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‘The Power Led by Words’ - First essay of actress Kang Hye-jung

‘The Power Led by Words’ - First essay of actress Kang Hye-jung

Posted August. 22, 2023 08:43,   

Updated August. 22, 2023 08:43


“Though my acting career had stood still, the story of my life never missed a bit.”

Celebrated actress Kang Hye-jung has unveiled a treasure trove of thoughts and reflections in her debut essay collection, 'Half Crazy, Half Happy.' Speaking eloquently at a cozy press conference in a café in Mapo, Seoul, she reflected on her hiatus post the 2018 conclusion of the KBS drama 'Jugglers.' This pause in her acting world wasn't a void but rather a space brimming with introspection and personal rediscovery.

Spanning four years, Kang meticulously curated 60 snapshots of her life, thoughts, and daily ponderings. "Thoughts, when they arrived, weren't made to wait. My phone was my canvas, and I painted with words as they flowed," she revealed. These musings, she poetically describes, are like whimsical bubbles of thoughts, fleeting yet profound.

Her decision to publish stemmed from her desire to share the power that a single phrase can hold. In her essay 'The Power Led by Words,' located in the final section of her book, she recounts being inspired by a New Year's greeting she sent to a friend: "I miss you from time to time." Unexpectedly, she got the response: "I miss you often." Reflecting on this, Kang penned, "There will always be someone waiting to welcome you with open arms... One should be drawn forward by the power of such words." She went on to say, "A simple phrase can unlock the heart of someone who feels confined," voicing her aspiration that her book might serve as that key for readers.

Interestingly, this collection was birthed without an initial intention of publication. This uninhibited spontaneity lends an authentic and raw quality to Kang's writings, making 'Half Crazy, Half Happy' a window into emotions, some of which she might have once hesitated to unveil.
