“The Marvels,” the latest movie by Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU), premiered on Wednesday. The movie garnered South Korean fans’ attention for featuring the country’s movie star, Park Seo-joon. Park played Prince Yan of the planet Aladna, the husband of Captain Marvel, played by Brie Larson. As previously known, Park is featured in only three scenes but his future work in the overseas markets can be expected as he made an appearance in a Hollywood movie.
“I watched the South Korean TV series ‘Itaewon Class’ during the pandemic and noticed Park,” said the movie’s director Nia DaCosta during a video interview on Tuesday. “I cast him for Prince Yan as he seems to perfectly fit the role. While Prince Yan isn’t featured much in the movie, it is an important role with impact,” the director said. “Park is hilarious and brought good energy to the shooting scene. He is an extremely talented actor.”
“The Marvels,” directed by DaCosta, is like a speeding roller coaster. It’s short yet powerful and fast-paced. Its running time is only 105 minutes, the shortest among all MCU movies. The movie features a story of the lonely Captain Marvel meeting Monica Rambeau (played by Teyonah Parris), a daughter of her old friend, and Kamala Khan (played by Iman Vellani), a big fan of Captain Marvel and Ms. Marvel.
Ji-Sun Choi aurinko@donga.com