With the cold wave alert issued for most regions across South Korea on Sunday, the temperature will fall to minus 18 degrees Celsius on Monday morning due to the cold air from the Arctic. As the daytime high exceeded 20 degrees Celsius on the previous weekend, the temperature is expected to fall by about 40 degrees Celsius just a week after it reached the highest temperature record in December.
The Korea Meteorological Administration predicted that the lowest temperatures on Monday will range between minus 18 and minus three degrees Celsius, which are similar to or slightly lower than the temperatures on the day before. The temperatures are expected to be minus 18 in Cheorwon, minus 11 in Seoul and Daejeon, minus eight in Daegu, and minus five in Gwangju and Busan. The temperatures will remain below zero in most regions even during the day, ranging from minus four to four degrees Celsius, and it will feel colder due to strong wind.
The weather feels even colder due to a sudden drop in the temperature, as people were able to wear short sleeves just a week ago due to unusually high temperatures in December. The temperatures reached 20.9 in Gyeongju, 20.3 in Gangneung, and 20.2 in Gwangju on December 8 through 10, setting a record high for the warmest December. It was followed by heavy rain due to the warm weather.