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Blind trust denying facts spoils a star

Posted May. 20, 2024 07:50,   

Updated May. 20, 2024 07:50


This is part of a statement by Kim Ho-joong (33), a Korean trot pop singer who is under police investigation for a ‘suspected hit-and-run’ that occurred in Gangnam, Seoul on May 9. “I sincerely regret my wrongdoing and will be punished for it,” the statement reads. “I admit it to myself and sincerely apologize.” This heartfelt admission seems to indicate that Kim is remorseful for his mistake and will not cause any more trouble in the future, a sentiment that his fans, who have been deeply invested in his career, can surely relate to.

It's important to note that this statement was not a response to the recent hit-and-run allegations. In fact, it was issued by Kim's legal representation in 2020 when he was facing allegations of illegal gambling. At that time, his fans demonstrated their unwavering support by pushing the phrase ‘We support Kim Ho-joong’ to the top of portal sites’ real-time search words.

As a result of the investigation, Mr. Kim was granted suspended prosecution. A suspended prosecution does not mean that a person is not guilty but rather that the prosecution will not prosecute him or her in light of the motive or severity of the crime. If Kim had been indicted and faced justice, he might have had to stop his entertainment career. However, the suspension of prosecution fulfilled the wishes of his fans at that time.

That incident might have led his fans to repeat such an act. Shortly after the first reports of her manager's alleged ‘false surrender’ following the hit-and-run on May 9, Kim's fan cafe posted, “Let's wait for the agency's announcement calmly.” The idea was to not believe the reports and wait for Kim's explanation, and many of his fans responded accordingly.

Did Kim's promise four years ago to “never repeat the same mistake” really only apply to the ‘same mistake’ of illegal gambling? To prove that the hit-and-run allegations had nothing to do with past mistakes, Kim actually took the stage for concerts on Saturday and Sunday.

The hit-and-run incident caused a significant shift in public sentiment towards Kim. Many who had been moved by his life story and supported him began to distance themselves. Some observers believe that the unconditional support from a faction of Kim's fans may have contributed to this negative shift, making a potential comeback even more challenging. A comment left on Kim's Instagram after the incident encapsulates this sentiment: “Fans supporting singer Kim Ho Joong, extending your support of him doesn't necessarily help him. The public is more upset by the shameless support.”