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AI-produced fakes

Posted June. 05, 2024 08:05,   

Updated June. 05, 2024 08:05


On Monday, Microsoft announced that Russia is widely spreading deceptive information to incite fear about the 2024 Paris Olympics, set to begin on July 26. The company added that the AI-generated fake voice of actor Tom Cruise was also used.

Microsoft Threat Analysis Center reported that two Russian organizations, Storm-1679 and Storm-1099, are spreading AI-generated fake information to incite fear of violent unrest during the Olympics and to denigrate the International Olympic Committee (IOC). In June 2023, the groups uploaded a fake Netflix documentary titled "Olympics Has Fallen" on social media, including Telegram. One scene featured an AI-generated voice resembling Tom Cruise, criticizing the IOC.

Some digital graffiti images threatening violence against Israeli athletes at the Paris Olympics have been found. These images invoked the 1972 Munich Olympics terrorist attack, where a Palestinian militant group killed 11 Israeli athletes. The two Russian groups also created a fake news website resembling major French media outlets such as Euronews, spreading false information such as "24% of Paris Olympics tickets were returned due to fear of terror" and "citizens are getting insured for damages in preparation for terror attacks."

김윤진 kyj@donga.com