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Rise in sales of high-protein, low-calorie yogurt in US

Posted June. 25, 2024 08:00,   

Updated June. 25, 2024 08:00


As the weight loss trend in the United States intensifies, mainly due to the popularity of obesity treatments like Ozempic and Wegovy, there has been a notable increase in the demand for high-protein, low-calorie yogurt. This surge in consumer interest has prompted related industries to launch specialized products targeting users of these obesity treatments.

The yogurt sector has thrived despite the diet craze impacting the broader food industry. Yogurt, with its high protein content, has emerged as a popular choice for consumers looking to cut down on calories for weight loss. This trend is evident in the success of Greek yogurt products, which have been flying off the shelves, as reported by Juergen Esser, vice president of Danone, a global food company renowned for its yogurt.

According to Axios, another major yogurt company, Chobani, saw a 9% increase in yogurt sales last year compared to the previous year. Sales of their zero-sugar products surged by 55%, accounting for 37% of the total increase in yogurt sales. In response to this growing demand, global food giant Nestle plans to launch a yogurt product specifically for obesity treatment users within the year. Currently, it is estimated that there are about 30 million obesity treatment users in the United States.

이지윤 기자 asap@donga.com