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Verbal attacks escalating between Israel and Hezbollah

Posted July. 02, 2024 08:08,   

Updated July. 02, 2024 08:08


Israel and Hezbollah are issuing verbal attacks escalating higher every day. Never have I seen such a strange war of words. Wars tend to start secretly and abruptly, no matter what the rationale for the war is. However, the two countries issue verbal attacks as if they will launch a war the next day, or even an hour later. Such attacks have been going on for months. I am starting to wonder if such attacks are simply an empty ploy to ease tensions for the other party.

Iran and the United States have joined the game as well, though Iran is not able to engage in a war with Israel now. The most recent attacks between the two countries were not a display to engage in a real war but a signal that there would be no further escalation.

As tensions between Israel and Hezbollah increased, however, Iran re-announced its intention to participate in the war. While the United States appears to make desperate efforts to prevent war, it leaked a statement that it will support Israel if a war breaks out. The statement appears to reflect a hard-lined position aimed at preventing Hezbollah and Iran from going to war without losing Jewish support in the upcoming election.

Escalating verbal attacks reflects both countries’ secret concerns about the burden and consequences of war. Nevertheless, the level of verbal attacks has already crossed the line. The political leaders of both countries are facing a situation where war would hasten destruction, but not doing so would bring about destruction anyway. War seems inevitable- the issue is the scale and how long it would last.

Some say Hezbollah is strong enough to humiliate Israel. With Israel being impacted by the Gaza war, some speculate that Israel is likely to approach Hezbollah attacks with caution. They are more likely to launch bolder, more destructive, and unexpected attacks. The situation in the Middle East and the world are growing more complex than ever.