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Hope in ‘Hijack 1971’

Posted July. 03, 2024 07:49,   

Updated July. 03, 2024 07:49


Captain Gyu-sik (played by Seong Dong-il) gazes at the cigarette smoked by Tae-in (Ha Jung-woo) at the Sokcho Airport in the winter of 1971, as he asks Tae-in a question. The name of the cigarette that he is smoking because he likes the pretty pattern is ‘Hope.’ Although it is a passing scene, the line foreshadows great events that will occur in the future. While smoking ‘hope,’ never would it have occurred that he would have a terrorist carrying an improvised bomb on board Gimpo Airport, let alone the terrorist threatening to steer the plane to North Korea. But hope is a word that comes to our mind in extreme situations, though we just brush it off on ordinary days, taking it for granted. Eventually, Tae-in holds on to hope and convinces, threatens, and battles with the terrorist, ultimately making a righteous choice.

Director Kim Seong-han’s film ‘Hijacking’ is based on the attempted kidnapping of a Korean Air flight by North Korea that took place in 1971. When the bomb carried by the terrorist dropped to the ground while the terrorist was being subdued, Jeon Myeong-se, who was a trainee pilot, minimized the damage by throwing himself over the bomb to protect the passengers. The terrorist was killed, but the plane lost power due to two explosions and was on the verge of crashing. However, all passengers were safe as the captain successfully made an emergency landing on Goseong Beach. Jeon Myeong-se was seriously injured and eventually passed away during transit and was the only victim of this critical situation.

In the movie, terrorist Yong-dae (Yeo Jin-goo) says that he is more scared of living than dying when Tae-in says everyone could die if things continue. The desperate and lonely lines of a hopeless person, though a terrorist, are relatable. Only a society offering hope can be a foundation for survival for everyone without sacrifice.