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N. Korea estimated to have around 8,400 cyber hackers

Posted July. 31, 2024 07:56,   

Updated July. 31, 2024 07:56


South Korea’s National Intelligence Service estimates that there are about 8,400 employed individuals engaged in cyber warfare in North Korea. According to the ‘2022 Defense White Paper’ recently published by the Ministry of National Defense, the estimated number had been around 6,800, but authorities estimate that the number increased by 20% in the last two years. Moreover, North Korea is allegedly conducting joint research and training on computer hacking with Russia after signing a new treaty equivalent to a military alliance in June. “We are concerned that Russia’s hacking technology could be transferred to North Korea,” said a senior intelligence source for South Korea.

According to the National Intelligence Service on Wednesday, North Korean leader Kim Jong Un has recently been providing financial rewards as an incentive to train cyber hackers. With growing sanctions against North Korea and prolonged economic difficulties, North Korea is making all out efforts to earn money, technology, etc. through cyber-attacks. Chairman Kim is directing North Korean leadership to expand cyber operations and strengthen hacking capabilities, and South Korean authorities have recently confirmed the circumstances of financial compensation. “It is very unusual for North Korea’s top leader to promise financial support,” the source said. “This is evidence that North Korea’s economy is in a dire situation.”

South Korean authorities estimate that North Korea has at least 8,400 skilled cyber warfare personnel, which is expected to increase. “There is a rapid increase in hacking related to North Korea’s information technology resourcing planting backdoors in the software development process or stealing virtual assets,” said the source.

Previously, North Korea's hacking activities focused on directly attacking institutions and companies, but its attacks have grown bolder and more omnidirectional in terms of targets and approach. As such, North Korea is putting more effort into training cyber warriors under Kim’s leadership. Reportedly, the Reconnaissance General Bureau, North Korea's counter-operations organization against South Korea, is training cyber warriors by directly operating a 'hacker university.'

Jin-Woo Shin niceshin@donga.com