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Non-Lee faction welcomes reinstatement of Kim Kyung-soo

Posted August. 10, 2024 07:55,   

Updated August. 10, 2024 07:55


The ruling party is in a state of excitement as former South Gyeongsang Province Governor Kim Kyung-soo is rumored to be reinstated through the 'August 15 Liberation Day Special Pardon.' Speculation is growing that if former Governor Kim is reinstated, he could become a potential rival to party leader Lee Jae-myung, as this would pave the way for him to run in the 2026 local elections and the 2027 presidential election. While the faction opposing Lee Jae-myung has generally welcomed the possibility, the pro-Lee Jae-myung faction claims that the ruling party has a political motive to 'divide the opposition' through this just before the Democratic Party's national convention. The party leadership has refrained from commenting, saying, "We will issue a party-level statement once the results are confirmed."

Party chief candidate Kim Doo-gwan issued a statement on Friday: "The reinstatement of former Governor Kim will provide an opportunity to rejuvenate the diversity and dynamism within the Democratic Party." Candidate Kim highlighted former Governor Kim's potential contributions to the party, adding, "Whether he chooses to run for governor of South Gyeongsang Province in the next local election, take on a significant role within the party, or participate in the by-election, it is essential that he remains actively involved in political activities."

This development is also welcomed by Gyeonggi Province Governor Kim Dong-yeon, who previously advocated for former Governor Kim's reinstatement, emphasizing the urgent need for "politics of inclusion and integration." An opposition official remarked, "With the core of the factional power structure now weakened, Governor Kim and former Prime Minister Kim Boo-gyeom appear to be attempting to counterbalance candidate Lee Jae-myung with the so-called 'three Kims,' including former Governor Kim."

Some political circles have raised concerns about the appropriateness of former Governor Kim returning to politics so soon after serving a prison sentence for the ‘Druking comment manipulation’ incident. "Given that he was convicted of an election-related crime, it would be more prudent for him to spend additional time regaining the trust of both the public and the party before re-entering the political arena,” an opposition insider said.

Ji-Hyun Kim jhk85@donga.com