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A space for Korean War heroes to be created in Gwanghwamun Square

A space for Korean War heroes to be created in Gwanghwamun Square

Posted August. 21, 2024 07:49,   

Updated August. 21, 2024 07:49


A national symbolic space dedicated to the values of freedom and peace will be established in Gwanghwamun Square, Seoul. The Seoul Metropolitan Government announced on Tuesday that it had received 522 citizen proposals during a month-long public consultation, held from mid-July to mid-August, on the creation of this space. Initially unveiled in June, the project proposed a 100-meter-tall Taegeukgi flagpole as its centerpiece. However, following public controversy, the city reconsidered the plan and sought citizen input before moving forward.

The public consultation revealed that 59% (308) of respondents supported the creation of a national symbolic space, while 40% (210) were opposed, and 1% (4) offered other suggestions. The Taegeukgi emerged as the most favored symbol, receiving 41% (215) of the votes. Other proposed symbols included the Rose of Sharon (11 votes), the national emblem and national seal (2 votes each), and the national anthem (1 vote).

“All possibilities are open,” Seoul Mayor Oh Se-hoon stated. “I believe utilizing the Taegeukgi would be the most persuasive.” Various proposals have been suggested for the symbol design, including the use of media art or light sculptures to transform Gwanghwamun Square into an artistic space. The city plans to incorporate these diverse opinions and create a space dedicated to honoring the veterans from around the world who sacrificed their lives in the Korean War to defend the values of freedom and peace. An international design competition will be launched next month, with the project expected to be completed by September 2025.

이소정 기자 sojee@donga.com