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Joe Biden bids farewell at Democratic National Convention

Joe Biden bids farewell at Democratic National Convention

Posted August. 21, 2024 07:49,   

Updated August. 21, 2024 07:49


“America, America, I gave my best to you,” U.S. President Joe Biden declared at the conclusion of his speech at the Democratic National Convention in Chicago. “I loved the job, but I loved my country more.” Stepping down from the presidential campaign amid concerns about his cognitive health due to age, Biden publicly endorsed Vice President Kamala Harris as his successor. In this poignant address, which marked the end of his 52-year political career, Biden emphasized that his greatest legacy was his voluntary relinquishment of power in service of protecting democracy.

During his speech, Biden expressed his willingness to step aside from the nomination to safeguard democratic values. “We saved democracy in 2020, and now we must save it again in 2024. We need to preserve our democracy,” he urged, calling on voters to take action in the upcoming presidential election. “In 2024, we need you to vote. We need you to hold the Senate. We need you to win back the House of Representatives. And above all, we need you to defeat Donald Trump.” Biden underscored his support for Harris as the next president of the United States. The convention hall echoed with chants of “We love Joe” from the Democratic delegates.

The Democratic Party officially nominated Harris for President and Minnesota Governor Tim Walz for Vice President at the convention, which commenced today. Vice President Harris, who is set to deliver her formal acceptance speech on Thursday, also made an unexpected address that was met with enthusiastic applause. “Joe, thank you for your historic leadership and your lifetime of service to our nation,” Harris said. “This November, we will unite and declare with one voice, as one people, that we are moving forward.”

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