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PPP leader Han meets one-on-one with pro-Yoon figures

Posted August. 24, 2024 07:31,   

Updated August. 24, 2024 07:31


“I don’t tolerate much but I have been tolerating a lot for the past month,” Han Dong-hoon, who was appointed as the leader of the People Power Party a month ago, said on Friday. “People’s livelihoods should be a political battleground of the ruling and opposition parties.” Han shared meals with Jeong Jeom-sig, who opposed the party leader over the decision for the president of the policy committee to remain in his post, Ihn Yo-han, who supported a different candidate for a party leader during the party convention, and Kim Jae-won, a member of the supreme council, individually. A key figure close to Han said the party leader is meeting with figures who don’t have the best relationship with him to deliver the message of cooperative politics.

Han also meets with figures who support President Yoon Suk Yeol over meals and teas after his appointment. He also shared a meal with five-term legislator Yoon Sang-hyun, who had competed against Han during the party convention. “We had a very comfortable conversation. He listened to everything I said and tried to set directions,” said a pro-Yoon legislator. “I believe it is a process for Han to figure out what exactly he should do to achieve the goal of reestablishing the government,” said a prominent legislator. Meanwhile, another prominent pro-Yoon figure said it was a casual conversation sharing each other’s thoughts and added that whether Han closely listens to legislators' voices when deciding a specific issue is important.

Some members of the party are still opposing the special probe bill on the death of Cpl. Chae based on third-party recommendations, which was proposed by Han. “It is abnormal to simply follow one person’s ideas as in the case of the Democratic Party,” Han responded to a reporter’s comment that some say he should strengthen his dominance over the party. “Transparently closing gaps between different opinions is the real politics.”

조권형 기자 buzz@donga.com