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Han Dong-hoon: I will not insist on preconditions of live broadcast

Han Dong-hoon: I will not insist on preconditions of live broadcast

Posted August. 27, 2024 07:32,   

Updated August. 27, 2024 07:32


The ruling and opposition parties are reportedly coordinating the possibility of live broadcasting parts of the upcoming meeting between People Power Party leader Han Dong-hoon and Democratic Party of Korea leader Lee Jae-myung. Rep. Han expressed his preference for full transparency but emphasized that he would not make live broadcasting a precondition for the meeting. "It is desirable to disclose everything, but I will not insist on it as a precondition for the meeting,” Han said. "The ruling and opposition parties are gradually narrowing their differences through working-level negotiations involving partial live broadcasts," the Democratic Party of Korea commented.

"When we live broadcast, we can show the process of the meeting, the differences, and the perspectives of the two parties on what kind of politics we will pursue for the people,” Han said during the party's Supreme Council meeting on Monday. He also stressed the importance of holding the meeting as soon as possible and noted that he would not allow the issue of live broadcasting to prevent the meeting from taking place.

"There was a concern that the meeting must be structured to allow for serious dialogue in order to yield results, and the ruling party seems willing to ensure the meeting takes place," said Kim Woo-young, the opposition party’s policy coordination chief. "We are coordinating the opinions of the ruling and opposition parties through partial disclosure," an official from the party leader’s side said over a phone call.

However, the ruling and opposition parties are reportedly still clashing over whether to include the ‘Corporal Chae Special Prosecutor Act’ on the meeting's agenda. The Democratic Party, which had previously set August 26 as the ‘deadline’ for People Power Party leader Han to introduce the Act, continued to apply pressure, urging him to “keep your promise.” “I don’t believe the ruling party leader is just a figurehead,” Floor Leader Park Chan-dae remarked during the party’s Supreme Council meeting. “If he didn’t lie to the people, then present a bill today, not just words.”

조권형 기자 buzz@donga.com