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102-year-old British woman skydives, breaks a record

Posted August. 27, 2024 07:33,   

Updated August. 27, 2024 07:33


A British woman jumped from 2,100 meters into the sky with a safety assistant in Benhall Green, Suffolk, Eastern England, on Sunday (local time). 102-year-old Manette Baillie broke the previous record for Britain's oldest parachute jump, held by Verdon Hayes, who was 101 years old, in 2017. Baillie celebrated her 102nd birthday last Wednesday.

During World War II, she served in the British Navy in Egypt and other stations. The sky jump was conducted to encourage donations to three charities, including a charity for retired soldiers. Baillie raised at least 10,000 pounds (about 17.5 million won) through the jump. Prince William of Britain sent a letter of support for her ongoing fundraising efforts and congratulated her on her 102nd birthday.

On her 100th birthday two years ago, Baillie rode a Ferrari at a speed of 210 km/hour, raising 2,000 pounds, which she donated to the local community.

“I want to inspire older people to live an active life,” she said, adding that many people her age had physical discomfort due to arthritis, etc., but fortunately, she was healthy, so she thought she should do something to take advantage of it. She said that she got into skydiving because she heard that an acquaintance's father went skydiving when he was 85.

"I just want other people who are getting towards 80 and 90 not to give up anything. Just keep going," she said in an interview with the BBC. She added that she did not want to waste her good health while other people are crippled with arthritis. She said she wanted to take on a skydive after hearing about a friend's 85-year-old father who had done one.

Baillie said that friends and community were key to longevity. “Stay busy and interested in everything,” she said. “Be kind to others and don’t forget to enjoy parties.”

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