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Politicians accelerate legislation as deepfake crimes surge

Politicians accelerate legislation as deepfake crimes surge

Posted August. 28, 2024 07:33,   

Updated August. 28, 2024 07:33


As deepfake crimes targeting college students, female soldiers, and teenagers spread through platforms such as Telegram, the government and political circles are belatedly ramping up legislation and countermeasures. Despite being identified as a social issue for years, recent escalation has prompted a shift in political action.

President Yoon Suk Yeol addressed the issue on Tuesday at a Cabinet meeting. “Deepfake videos targeting an unspecified number of people are being rapidly distributed through SNS,” the president said. “I urge thorough investigation and eradication of these digital sex crimes.

In response, the National Investigation Headquarters of the National Police Agency will launch a 'special intensive crackdown on deepfake sex crimes' for seven months starting Wednesday, and the Korea Communications Standards Commission is also preparing countermeasures.

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