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SK hynix develops 10nm-class 6th-generation DRAM

Posted August. 30, 2024 07:51,   

Updated August. 30, 2024 08:32


SK hynix has succeeded in developing the world’s first DRAM using the latest process. In the era of artificial intelligence (AI), technology competition is intensifying to realize high-performance specifications not only in system semiconductors but also in memory semiconductors.

The lower the nano, which refers to the line width of a semiconductor circuit, the finer it becomes, which means higher performance and improved power efficiency. While the fifth-generation 1b mass production began by Samsung Electronics in May last year, SK hynix is the first to announce that it has successfully developed the sixth-generation 1c.

SK hynix emphasized that it developed 1c by expanding the 1b process base, which reduces the trial and error that can occur during process advancement. “We have transferred the strengths of 1b to 1c in the most efficient way,” SK hynix said. ”We will be ready to mass-produce 1c DRAM within the year and supply products from next year.” The 1c-based DRAM is expected to be used primarily in high-performance data centers.

The new DRAM’s operating speed is 11 percent faster, and its power efficiency has improved by more than 9 percent compared to the previous generation. In addition, design innovations have improved the productivity of the 1c process by more than 30 percent compared to 1b.

박현익기자 beepark@donga.com