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Pro-Yoon figures concern about working on medical conflicts

Pro-Yoon figures concern about working on medical conflicts

Posted August. 31, 2024 15:14,   

Updated August. 31, 2024 15:14


During the party's workshop on Thursday, members of the People Power Party close to South Korean President Yoon Suk Yeol expressed concerns about the government’s responses to its conflicts with the medical field. “There are indeed some concerns among the party members,” said Yoon Han-hong, a key pro-Yoon figure. Another member of the party, Kweon Seong-dong, asked the officials of the presidential office and the government if there is a plan to bring back interns and residents who are desperately fighting. President Yoon confirmed that the decision to increase the number of medical students had been finalized during a briefing on state affairs and a press conference before the workshop. However, even pro-Yoon figures directly expressed their concerns about the current situation as resistance from the medical field has intensified.

Deputy Prime Minister and Education Minister Lee Ju-ho, Minister of Health and Welfare Cho Kyoo-hong, and Senior Presidential Secretary for Social Affairs Jang Sang-yoon reported on the medical reform to the ruling party members during the workshop. According to multiple ruling party members on Friday, the day after the workshop, Yoon Han-hong acknowledged the difficulty with the medical reform regarding the current situation in emergency medical care. “It sounds like there isn’t any issue according to your reports, but people in the medical field are struggling.”

“We will win if we just hold out for six months, so we should work together and win,” the deputy prime minister responded to Yoon’s comments, which were criticized by multiple members of the party. “Some criticized Lee for making an enemy of doctors,” said a first-term lawmaker. “After much reprimand, the deputy prime minister apologized and explained that he did not mean it in such a way.”

As the concerns about an emergency medical vacuum during the Chuseok holiday grow, opposition within the ruling party is expected to expand. “I believe it is definitely a serious situation,” said the party leader, Han Dong-hoon. “As people’s health and lives have an absolute value, policies should be made with the utmost care,” he said, asking for an alternative. “The current situation was caused by Han’s unexpected behavior, not by conflicts between the party and the administration,” said a presidential secretary. “The presidential office is open to communication while Han insists on his opinions being accepted 100 percent.”

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