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PPP calls for equality before the law amid political revenge claims

PPP calls for equality before the law amid political revenge claims

Posted September. 02, 2024 07:48,   

Updated September. 02, 2024 07:48


The Democratic Party of Korea (DP) criticized the prosecution for specifying former President Moon Jae-in as a suspect in a warrant to seize and search his daughter’s residence in connection with claims that his former son-in-law received special treatment for employment. Not only pro-Moon but also pro-Lee (DP Chairman Lee Jae-myung) party leaders said with a unified voice that the prosecution uses investigations to take political revenge and turn things around to their advantage. In response, the People Power Party (PPP) argued that no one can avoid investigations into matters that cause public concern and suspicion.

DP Chairman Lee showed strong opposition to any political retaliation, saying, “Wanting revenge against the former administration and oppressing the opposition does not make any difference in changing things in its favor or improving people’s livelihoods. The main opposition also issued an official statement written by spokesperson Hwang Jeong-a. It wrote that the prosecution has abused power over the law, adding, “It even makes up an absurd, nonsensical story after failing to find any clue.”

Thirty-seven pro-Moon lawmakers who served the former administration said at a press conference on Sunday at the National Assembly, “The prosecution turns a blind eye to the truth and tries to make its scenario seem plausible by setting up those who are innocent,” calling upon the prosecution to put an end to political revenge against the former president and a reckless and unjust act of threat.

“I wish that the prosecution used just a 100th of its investigative capabilities that are wasted on former President Moon and his family to probe President Yoon and First Lady Kim who are currently in power,” Rebuilding Korea Party leader Cho Kuk, who served senior secretary for civil affairs for Moon, told reporters. He was investigated by the prosecution concerning the allegations about former President Moon’s ex-son-in-law on Saturday.

윤명진기자 mjlight@donga.com