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Philadelphi Corridor emerges as major obstacle to Israel-Palestine ceasefire

Philadelphi Corridor emerges as major obstacle to Israel-Palestine ceasefire

Posted September. 06, 2024 08:26,   

Updated September. 06, 2024 08:26


The Philadelphi Corridor, a narrow 14-kilometer-long, 100-meter-wide buffer zone between the southern part of the Palestinian Gaza Strip and Egypt, has emerged as a major obstacle to a ceasefire between Israel and the Palestinian militant group Hamas. Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has repeatedly stated in recent days that he will “definitely keep Israeli troops in the corridor.” In response, Hamas has countered, saying that “Netanyahu, who doesn’t want a ceasefire, insists on a meaningless military presence.”

The corridor is the only part of Gaza's southern border that does not directly touch Israel. According to Reuters, the Israeli military has named it 'Philadelphi,' though the reason for this name is unclear.

After occupying the Gaza Strip in 1967, Israel stationed troops in the corridor. When Israel and Egypt signed a peace agreement in 1979, the Israeli military withdrew its heavy weapons and maintained a limited presence. In 2005, Israel completely withdrew from the corridor, handing control of Gaza to the Palestinian Authority (PA). In 2007, Hamas ousted the PA and seized control of Gaza, which has remained under Hamas control ever since.

The war broke out in October last year, and the Israeli military took control in May this year. Netanyahu claims that Hamas has tunneled under the corridor to smuggle weapons and contraband and insists that “regardless of the ceasefire, we will continue to maintain a military presence here.” In a press conference on Wednesday, the Israeli prime minister stated, “There is no future for Gaza if Hamas continues to use this corridor to bring in weapons and rearm.”

Hamas counters that Netanyahu, who does not want a ceasefire, has deliberately made it a key agenda item and has repeatedly changed his stance on withdrawal, stating, “We will not agree to a ceasefire without a commitment to withdraw.” The United States and Egypt, which are mediating the ceasefire negotiations between the two sides, are also demanding a full Israeli withdrawal.

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