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The silent pop artist

Posted September. 26, 2024 08:07,   

Updated September. 26, 2024 08:07


This humorous and impressive wood carving depicts three women, a young girl, and a dog. The woman in the middle has a black-and-white photo on her face, and the two women on both sides have multiple faces. Their eyes are wide open, but their mouths are tightly shut, and their poses are stiff and unnatural, as if they were trapped in a box.

‘Women and Dog’ (1963-1964, photo) is the representative work of Venezuelan-American sculptor Marisol. Her real name is Marisol Escobar, but she is known as Marisol. She played an important role in the American pop art movement in the 1960s but became nearly unknown after the 1980s.

This work describes middle-class women, children, and a dog. It was made by carving and painting wood and combining fabric, stuffed dogs, and newspapers. Marisol often features herself and people around her in her work, and this work is no exception. The woman in the middle is herself. The face in the black-and-white photo is also Marisol’s face. Unlike the two women dressed up, she wears a headband and an apron. The women look around and explore but have no hands to act. Their hands are used to hold their handbags, which symbolize consumerism. The work criticizes the stereotypes that limit women’s roles in consumption and housework.

The women in Marisol’s work are often depicted as being confined and silent, which seems to stem from the tragedy of her childhood. She grew up in a wealthy environment, but her mother committed suicide when she was eleven. She was so shocked that she decided never to speak again.

It is said that Marisol did not speak more than necessary throughout her life. She considered silence to be an essential part of life. However, the works she created speak volumes. They have become even more vocal since the artist passed away. The Perez Art Museum in the United States is now re-evaluating Marisol as a pop artist on par with Warhol, hosting a two-person exhibition of Marisol and Andy Warhol in 2022.