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Prosecutors not likely to indict first lady, pastor Choi

Prosecutors not likely to indict first lady, pastor Choi

Posted September. 26, 2024 08:11,   

Updated September. 26, 2024 08:11


The prosecution is not likely to indict South Korean First Lady Kim Keon Hee and pastor Choi Jae-young for their alleged involvement in the Dior Bag scandal, given the investigation team’s results. Prosecutors’ take on this issue runs counter to the investigation review committee of the Supreme Prosecutors’ Office’s recommendation that Choi be indicted on graft charges against the Improper Solicitation and Graft Act.

Based on reports from The Dong-A Ilbo, as of Wednesday, the investigation team of the Criminal Division 1 at the Seoul Central District Prosecutor's Office held a meeting on Wednesday morning to discuss what measures to take for the first lady. The prosecution intends to make a final decision based on the results of two separate investigation review committee discussions, considering that the committee has not held a separate discussion on each defendant involved in the same case before.

The investigation team reportedly concluded that the two defendants should not be indicted given that Choi’s gifts, including the controversial Dior bag, were delivered to Kim merely to express his congratulations or facilitate their gatherings but not associated with presidential tasks, and the first lady maintained that President Yoon was not aware of his wife receiving the bag. Lee Chang-su, the head of the Seoul Central District Prosecutors' Office, is expected to brief Prosecutor General Shim Woo-jung on the investigation team’s opinions at a Supreme Prosecutors' Office weekly report session on Thursday. It is anticipated that the prosecution will make a final decision on what action will be taken in this meeting.

Even with prosecutors’ final decision on the Dior Bag scandal likely to be made this week at the earliest, it still seems to ponder whether it indicts First Lady Kim on charges of getting involved in the Deutsch Motors stock price manipulation case. Initially, the prosecution intended to determine what action to take for Kim upon the court of appeals concluding the case. However, it still seems to be mulling over it, even with the sentencing having been announced two weeks ago.

송유근 기자 big@donga.com