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65% of Koreans are ‘worried about physical health’

Posted September. 30, 2024 08:24,   

Updated September. 30, 2024 08:24


A new survey has found that 65 percent of Koreans are worried about their physical health. They invested about 220,000 won (167 U.S. dollars) per month in their health, consuming health supplements and managing their diets, but their efforts to 'exercise adequately' were relatively lacking.

KB Financial Holdings Management Research Center released the '2024 Korea Wellness Report' on Sunday, revealing these and other findings. Wellness is an ideal state of harmony between physical, mental, and social health. The Korea Wellness Report was published for the first time this year based on the results of an online and mobile survey, which was conducted from April 1 to 15 this year among 2,000 men and women aged 25 to 69 nationwide.

According to the report, respondents' physical and mental health concerns averaged 3.67 and 3.19, respectively, on a scale of 1 to 5 (with 1 being not concerned at all and 5 being extremely concerned). The report shows 64.9 percent are concerned about their physical health and 40.9 percent are concerned about their mental health.

All generations ranked regular health checkups (87.0 percent - multiple picks) as their top health management behavior. Other behaviors include taking food and health supplements (58.2 percent), exercising regularly (46.3 percent), getting enough sleep (46.0 percent), and checking their health numbers regularly (40.8 percent).

All generations ranked regular health checkups (87.0 percent - multiple picks) as their top health behavior. Other behaviors include taking food and health supplements (58.2 percent), exercising regularly (46.3 percent), getting enough sleep (46.0 percent), and checking their health numbers regularly (40.8 percent).

They spent an average of 219,000 won (167 dollars) per month on health management. They spent 80,000 won (61 dollars) each on exercise and health supplements. They also spent 44,000 won (33 dollars) and 15,000 won (11 dollars) on chronic disease treatment, counseling, and therapy, respectively. Those in their 60s (spending 233,000 won or 177 dollars) spent over 40,000 won (30 dollars) more per month than those in their 20s (spending 192,000 won or 146 dollars).

Nine out of 10 respondents had been taking food and health supplements, such as multivitamins and probiotics, continuously for at least one month. Nearly 70 percent said they were watching their diet. However, only 56.4 percent and 42.8 percent of respondents engaged in high-intensity aerobic exercise at least three days a week and strength training at least two days a week, respectively, which are part of the World Health Organization (WHO)’s recommendations.

김수연 기자 syeon@donga.com