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Citizens pay tribute to victims of Osong tragedy

Posted July. 21, 2023 08:09,   

Updated July. 21, 2023 08:09


“The flooded underpass is a familiar road to me. That’s why I am only left with a heavy heart,” said Kim Dong-su among the first who visited a joint incense-burning altar set up in the lobby area of the North Chungcheong Provincial Government Building on Thursday to pay tribute to those who lost their lives stuck in the flooded Gungpyeong No. 2 Underpass in Osong, Cheongju. Coming out of the venue after having flowers laid on the altar, he stressed that such a tragedy is never supposed to repeat itself.

Kim was just one of the many who visited the joint incense-burning altar. They all said with one voice that the causes of the accident need to be thoroughly investigated while those responsible for the tragedy should be held accountable. A citizen surnamed Park commented that it is infuriating to see how the government and related municipalities alike pass the buck.

The banner at the venue, “Joint Incense-burning Altar for the Deceased Citizens of the Flooded Gungpyeong Underpass,” left some mourners upset. A civic group member said in the lobby that the term “deceased citizens” should be replaced by “victims.”

The bereaved families of the victims were also among the sorrowful visitors. A family member who lost his loved one tried not to shed a tear while writing in a visitor’s book, “Don’t worry. We will hang in here. Stay happy. Rest in peace.” Bowing to the altar, Lee, a mother who lost her dear daughter, was so heartbroken that it took so long to raise her head back. She said, “We have not had any chance to get briefed on the accident or receive any apology.”

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