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Pres. Yoon: Communist forces incite anti-Japanese sentiment

Pres. Yoon: Communist forces incite anti-Japanese sentiment

Posted September. 02, 2023 08:10,   

Updated September. 02, 2023 08:10


President Yoon Suk Yeol said on Friday, “The communist totalitarian forces, opportunistic followers, and anti-state forces are still inciting anti-Japanese sentiment and misleading the ROK-US-Japan cooperation mechanism from Camp David as if it would put the Republic of Korea and its people in jeopardy.” His remarks are intense criticism aimed at the opposition party, which is raising the level of offense through the response to the release of contaminated water from the Fukushima nuclear power plant in Japan and the controversy over the transfer of the bust sculpture of Gen. Hong Beom-do.

“Our freedom has constantly been threatened,” said President Yoon at the opening ceremony for the 60th anniversary of the diplomatic service held at the Korea National Diplomatic Academy in Yangjae-dong, Seocho-gu, Seoul. “The ambiguity of the diplomatic line means the absence of values and philosophies. Diplomacy that does not offer predictability to its counterparties will win neither trust nor national interest,” President Yoon said. His remarks seem to emphasize ‘strategic clarity’ that is more aligned with the United States, an ally of value, instead of the ‘strategic ambiguity’ between the United States and China pursued by the former Moon Jae-in administration.

“We need to put in place firmly a cooperative network in security, economy, information, and advanced technology with countries that share the universal values of freedom, human rights, and the rule of law, and those who respect the norm-based international order,” President Yoon said. This highlights the significance of the fact that the heads of Korea, the U.S., and Japan met at Camp David in the U.S. on Aug. 18 and established a comprehensive and multi-layered trilateral cooperation system to safeguard peace and prosperity in the Indo-Pacific region.

“The Korea National Diplomatic Academy should serve as a compass to help diplomats engage in diplomacy based on a clear set of values, historical and national perspective," President Yoon said. “Please clearly define the point of arrival of the ideology and values of Korean diplomacy and conduct research and training built on this.”

Joo-Young Jeon aimhigh@donga.com