천명관 장편소설 ‘고래’
| 훗날, 대극장을 설계한 건축가에 의해 처음 그 존재가 알려져 세상에 흔히 ‘붉은 벽돌의 여왕’으로 소개된 그 여자 벽돌공의 이름은 춘희(春姬)이다.
| chunhui-or girl of spring-was the name of the female brickmaker later celebrated as the Red Brick Queen upon being discoverd by the architect of the grand theater.
| Later, the woman bricklayer, whose existence was first known by the architect who designed the large theater and introduced to the world as the “Queen of Red Bricks,” was named Chun-hee.
| In the days to come, it was the architect, the mastermind behind the grand theater, who unveiled her existence, introducing her to the world as the oft-revered ‘Queen of Crimson Bricks.’ Her name, resonating with a whisper of enchantment, is Chunhee(春姬).
정보라 단편소설 ‘저주토끼’
| 저주에 쓰이는 물건일수록 예쁘게 만들어야 하는 법이다.
| When we make our cursed fetishes, it’s important that they’re pretty.
| The more things used in curses, the prettier they should be.
| The more cursed an object, the more beautifully it should be crafted.
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