A testimony to the enduring value that its readers see in its content.

  • 동아일보
  • 입력 2020년 4월 1일 03시 00분

One hundred years is a long time, by any reckoning, in the life of an organisation.

For newspapers especially - gripped by considerable existential angst all round the world - it is not just a significant milestone but also a testimony to the enduring value that its readers see in its content.

Newsrooms today face many pressing challenges, from the competition for audiences and revenues from technology platforms to the proliferation of fake news reports. Invariably, the best response is to press on in providing quality journalism, which audiences recognise and will pay for.

My congratulations to Donga Ilbo on marking your centennial. It is an achievement worth celebrating. May you continue to serve your readers and community for a long time to come.

Warren Fernandez Editor-in-Chief, The Straits Times
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