1. Do you approve or disapprove of the Bush Administration’s policy toward North Korea?
___ A. Fully approve
___ B. Somewhat approve
___ C. Neither approve nor disapprove
___ D. Somewhat disapprove
___ E. Completely disapprove
2. Do you agree or disagree with President Bush’s designation of North Korea as part of an “axis of evil?”
___ A. Completely agree
___ B. Somewhat agree
___ C. Neither agree nor disagree
___ D. Somewhat disagree
___ E. Completely disagree
3. If you answered A or B in Question 2, why do you agree with President Bush’s designation?
___ A. President Bush has correctly identified the nature of the North Korean regime.
___ B. Placing such pressure on North Korea can force it to come to the table for talks with
___ C. South Korea and the United States.
___ D. President Bush needed to have the Kim Dae-jung Administration clearly understand
U.S. policy toward North Korea.
___ E. All of the above.
___ F. None of the above.
4. If you answered D or E in Question 2, why do you disagree with President Bush’s designation?
___ A. North Korea’s situation is different from that of Iran and Iraq.
___ B. Such a hard-line posture will lead North Korea to close the door on talks with South Korea and the U.S.
___ C. The remarks undermine the consensus with South Korea on how to deal with North Korea.
___ D. All of the above.
5. Do you support or oppose President Kim’s Sunshine Policy?
___ A. Strongly support
___ B. Somewhat support
___ C. Neither support nor oppose
___ D. Somewhat oppose
___ E. Strongly oppose
6. If you answered A or B in Question 5, why do you support the Sunshine Policy?
___ A. The policy has contributed to North-South reconciliation and promoted exchanges between the two Koreas.
___ B. The policy has helped build confidence between the two Koreas.
___ C. In long run, Sunshine Policy is the most cost-effective approach with the least amount of risk.
___ D. All of the above.
7. If you answered D or E in Question 5, why do you oppose the Sunshine Policy?
___ A. The policy allows North Korea to unilaterally set the tone of North-South relations.
___ B. The policy has led North Korea to develop unreasonable expectations.
___ C. The policy has failed to produce a consensus on how to deal with North Korea.
___ D. President Kim has only used the Sunshine Policy for domestic political purposes.
___ E. All of the above.
8. The South Korean government is now subsidizing Hyundai’s Kumgang-san tours due to the venture’s chronic financial difficulties. Do you approve or disapprove of the government’s involvement?
___ A. I approve of the government’s involvement.
___ B. I disapprove of the government’s involvement.
9. If you answered A in question 8, why do you support the government’s involvement?
___ A. The tours are necessary not only to maintain the Sunshine Policy but also to promote exchanges between the two Koreas.
___ B. Maintaining programs like the Kumgang-san tours will ultimately be helpful for the unification of the two Koreas.
___ C. The tours give South Koreans a better understanding of the North.
___ D. All of the above.
10. If you answered B in question 8, why do you oppose the government’s involvement?
___ A. Giving cash to North Korea will only help it to increase its military capabilities.
___ B. The tours do not contribute for exchanges between the two Koreas.
___ C. North Korea will halt the tours when there is a change of government in South Korea.
___ D. The tours are economically unviable.
___ E. All of the above.
11. What stance should South Korea’s next administration take toward North Korea?
___ A. Continue the Sunshine Policy.
___ B. Make some adjustments while maintaining the basic principle of engagement.
___ C. Pursue a new approach toward North Korea based on reciprocity.
___ D. Cease all efforts to engage North Korea
12. What is your assessment of the Geneva Agreed Framework?
___ A. The U.S. should abide by the framework.
___ B. The U.S. should renegotiate the framework because the situation has changed since 1994.
___ C. The U.S. should abandon the framework and pursue a comprehensive agreement.
___ D. The U.S. should abandon the framework and not try to reach a new agreement.
13. What should be the top priority for improving relations between North Korea and the U.S.? (rank from 1 to 4 with 1 being the top priority)
___ A. The Bush Administration should abandon its hardline approach toward North Korea.
___ B. The Bush Administration should remove North Korea from the list of the countries supporting terrorism.
___ C. North Korea must give up the development and export of weapons of mass destruction.
___ D. North Korea should return to the negotiating table without any preconditions.
14. What is your assessment of the economic reforms taken by the Kim Administration since the Asian Economic Crisis of 1997?
___ A. South Korea has made great progress in reforming its economy.
___ B. There has been some reform, but much more needs to be done.
___ C. There have not been any significant changes.
___ D. The economic situation has actually gotten worse than it was in 1997.
15. Looking back at the Kim Administration’s economic policies, what do you think has been its greatest accomplishment?
___ A. Macroeconomic stabilization
___ B. Foreign Direct Investment policy
___ C. Corporate reform
___ D. Financial reform
___ E. Labor reform
___ F. Public sector reform
16. What has been the Administration’s greatest economic policy failure?
___ A. Macroeconomic stabilization
___ B. Foreign Direct Investment policy
___ C. Corporate reform
___ D. Financial reform
___ E. Labor reform
___ F. Public sector reform
17. A number of foreign direct investment proposals by American firms have either fallen through or been slow to materialize. How would you rank (from 1 to 5) the following factors, with 1 being the most important?
___ A. Lack of transparency
___ B. Labor issues
___ C. Government red tape
___ D. Debt relief
___ E. Asset valuation disagreements
18. What do you think President Kim should focus on during his remaining time in office?
A. North-South relations.
B. The South Korean economy.
C. Diplomatic issues, particularly relations with the U.S. and Japan.
D. Impartially managing the local and presidential elections.
E. Successfully hosting the World Cup and Asian Games.
19. Koreans will elect their next president in December. How would rank (from 1 to 4) the salience of the following issues, with 1 being most salient?
___ A. North-South relations
___ B. The economy
___ C. Personality politics
___ D. Regionalism
20. Are you concerned about the potential rise of anti-Americanism in South Korea?
21. If your answer to the previous question was yes, what are the causes of anti-Americanism? (rank from 1 to 5, with 1 being most serious)
___ A. The Bush Administration’s hardline stance toward North Korea.
___ B. U.S. trade pressure and protectionist measures.
___ C. The 2002 Winter Olympics Short Track controversy involving South Korean and U.S. skaters.
___ D. The location of U.S. military bases.
___ E. Incidents involving the U.S. military or individual U.S. soldiers.
22. What should be the top priority for improving relations between South Korea and the U.S.? (rank from 1 to 4, with 1 being the top priority)
___ A. Americans need to better understand the situation on the Korean Peninsula.
___ B. Koreans need to better understand President Bush’s policy toward North Korea and how much the U.S. has changed since September 11.
___ C. The leaders of both countries need to exchange views more frequently and intensively.
___ D. Koreans should try to be less nationalistic and emotional.
And finally…
___ Please include my answers in the survey, but do not use my name in the story(for public servants).
___ Please do not contact me for a follow-up interview.
Thank you for your time!