[理知논술/영어 논술 클리닉]초등 영어

  • 입력 2006년 4월 11일 03시 03분

※ 이지논술 사이트에서 본문의 내용을 원어민의 음성으로 들을 수 있습니다

A Greedy Squirrel

■ 제시문

Once upon a time, two squirrels lived on White Mountain. Bin was greedy and lazy, but Tin was kind and hard-working. Every day they went to the woods to collect nuts. While Tin worked hard, Bin always took a nap under a tree. And Bin ate all the large, sweet chestnuts and left the rotten ones for Tin.

One sunny day, they were playing in a field. Suddenly, a man appeared and caught them. He let Tin go because he was so thin, but he took Bin, who looked healthy. The man took Bin to his house and locked him in a cage. Bin was homesick, and he missed Tin.

One night the man forgot to lock the cage, and Bin was able to escape. He ran back to the mountain as fast as he could. Bin and Tin were so happy to see each other again. After that, Bin worked hard and always shared the good chestnuts with Tin.

■ 이해력 높이기

글을 얼마나 이해하고 읽었는지를 보기 위한 문제입니다.

Choose the best answer for the following questions.

Q: Which of the following is NOT true?

1. Bin did not like to eat large, sweet chestnuts.

2. The man took Bin because he looked healthy.

3. Bin ran back to the mountain after he escaped from the cage.

Q: What do you think Tin might say to Bin when he saw him again?

1. Bin, you should not be here.

2. Hi, my name is Tin.

3. Bin, I'm so happy you are safe.

■ 표현연습

1. ∼와 에 가다. go to (a place) with (a person)

나는 어머니와 함께 시장에 갔습니다. I went to the market with my mother.

2. ∼에게 책을 읽어주다. read a book to (a person)

Mom reads a book to my brother and me every night.

3. ∼해서 매우 기쁘다. be very happy to (do something)

Bin은 Tin을 다시 만나서 매우 기뻤다. Bin was very happy to see Tin again.

■ 문장력 키우기

다음 세 문장을 영어로 써 보고, 서로 연결하는 연습을 합니다.

1. 어제 나는 동생과 도서관에 갔습니다.

2. 나는 동생에게 그림책(picture books)을 읽어주었습니다.

3. 나는 동생이 웃는 모습을 보고 기분이 좋았습니다.

■ 직접 써봐요

Bin은 욕심이 많은 다람쥐였지요. 그런데 너무 욕심이 많아 도리어 남자에게 잡히고 말았어요. 우리 안에 갇힌 Bin은 무슨 생각을 했나요? 겨우 탈출해서 집으로 돌아오게 된 뒤, Bin은 어떻게 달라졌지요? Bin과 Tin에 대한 이야기를 짧게 요약해 봅시다. 위의 글에 나온 표현들을 적극적으로 활용해 보세요

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