[理知논술/영어 논술 클리닉]초등 영어

  • 입력 2006년 6월 20일 03시 01분

Over the Hedge

■ 제시문

Winter has gone and spring has come. A group of forest animals wake up from their winter's nap. They find a tall hedge that has appeared out of nowhere. Half of their forest is gone. They have no food left. Verne the turtle says to the other animals that they should try to adapt. However, RJ the raccoon shows up. He says they should go over the hedge and get food from the humans. All the forest animals sneak into the human world to get all the food they can grab. What they don't know is that RJ tried to take Vincent the bear's food. Now he has only two weeks to replace it.

I enjoyed watching this movie. It's exciting and very funny. I laughed throughout the movie. All the animals were cute and adorable. My favorite animal is Hammy the squirrel. He is so funny when he burps his ABCs. It's also fun to watch the animals steal all kinds of food. This is a movie everyone can enjoy.

■ 이해력 높이기

글을 얼마나 이해하고 읽었는가를 보기 위한 문제입니다.

1. Who took the bear's food?

(a) the turtle

(b) the raccoon

(c) the squirrel

2. Which of the following is NOT true?

(a) The animals built the hedge.

(b) The animals went over the hedge.

(c) The animals stole food from the humans.

답: 1번 (b), 2번 (a)

■ 표현 연습

1. 갑자기 out of nowhere

엄마가 우리에게 여름방학으로 알래스카에 간다고 갑자기 말씀하셨다.

My mother said we will go to Alaska for summer vacation out of nowhere.

2. ∼를 1 주 안에 해야 한다. have one week to ∼

나는 옷을 1 주 안에 싸야 했다. I had one week to pack my clothes.

3. 그들이 모르고 있는 것은 ∼. What they don't know is that∼

내가 모르고 있었던 것은 알래스카가 춥다는 것이었다.

What I didn't know was that Alaska is cold.

■ 문장력 키우기

다음 세 문장을 영어로 써 보고, 서로 연결하는 연습을 합니다.

1. 선생님께서 우리가 시험을 볼 거라고 갑자기 말씀하셨다.

2. 우리는 2 주 동안 시험공부를 끝내야 한다.

3. 우리가 몰랐던 것은 우리가 오늘 퀴즈를 본다는 것이다.

■ 직접 써봐요

여러분들은 어떤 영화를 가장 좋아하나요? 위의 글에 나온 표현들을 적극적으로 활용해 영화를 보고 느낀 점을 직접 써 보세요.

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