[理知논술/특목고 구술면접 대비]영어지문 제시형 구술면접

  • 입력 2006년 8월 1일 03시 02분

《영어지문 제시형의 여러 가지 문제 유형은 수능 외국어 영역과 유사하게 출제되고 있으며, 전체적인 지문 내용을 파악한 후 제시된 요구에 맞추어 문제를 풀어 나가도록 하는 논리적 사고를 요구하는 형태로 출제된다. 독해 문제는 주로 글의 주제 및 요지 파악, 글의 제목 파악, 세부 정보 및 내용 일치 파악, 태도, 분위기 파악, 글의 목적 파악, 지칭 추론, 빈칸 완성 등의 문제가 출제되지만 수능과는 다소 성격이 다른 문제 유형도 있다. 제시문이 주어지고 반대 의견을 모두 고르는 문제가 그 중 하나이다. 아래 문제 1번의 경우 흡연에 관한 5명의 찬반 내용이 대화 형식으로 제시되고, 그 중 흡연에 반대하는 사람을 모두 찾는 복수 정답 문제가 출제되었다. 이러한 유형은 전체 문맥을 파악하고, 독해력과 논리적 사고력을 모두 요구하는 난도 높은 문제 중 하나라 할 수 있다.》

1. 다음에서 흡연에 반대하는 사람을 모두 말하시오.

Mike : There is no real proof that smoke is harmful to nonsmokers and people who are allergic to smoke can avoid places where people smoke just like people who are allergic to cats places where there are cats.

Ted : Nonsmokers find smoke irritating to their eyes, nose, and throat, and they don't like the smell.

Jane : Smokers have rights to enjoy what they like to do. Lots of annoying activities should not be banned in public.

Suzie : To ban smoking in restaurants would prevent smokers from enjoying the meal.

Tom : Smoking has an indirect effect on the health of nonsmokers as well as smokers and for instance, in restaurants smoke spoils the taste of food and spoils the meal.

2. 네 명의 학부모가 사교육에 대한 자신의 견해를 제시하고 있다. 의견이 다른 한 사람을 고르고, 그 입장을 설명하시오.

More than a quarter of state school pupils in England are receiving private education. When parents of primary pupils were asked why they had paid for extra lessons - relatively few said that it was because their children needed to catch-up and because their children were falling behind in school lessons. About one in 10 said that private tuition was compensating for a lack of support from school, and they were motivated by weaknesses with teaching in school. Among parents of secondary school pupils, extra tuition was focused on passing specific exams, such as maths *GCSE.

*GCSE (英) General Certificate of Secondary Education

James : One of my sons has a private, half hour, lesson per week in maths. That short lesson has allowed him to move from stream three to the top stream in just a couple of months. What would be unfair would be for me to deny my son that opportunity all for the cost of a couple of pints of beer a week!

Chris : I do not think that "fairness" is really an issue - it is every parent's obligation to give their children every possible opportunity to succeed in their life ahead.

Michael : I think that the school and family already provided enough support. And the growth in private tuition has prompted debate about its fairness for those who do not receive extra lessons, this inevitably places others at a disadvantage in the education system. I think that it's unfair on children whose parents can't afford it.

Angela : I arranged for my daughter to have a weekly tuition session in maths, just before she took her GCSEs. She was predicted a D and the tuition enabled her to achieve a C grade, and she went on to do A levels and is now at university. In return I taught her tutor's son English, so no money changed hands!

※ 다음 제시문을 읽고 질문에 답하시오.

An Ethiopian student found pieces of a skull while he was working on a project with 40 scientists. The site of the discovery was in Ethiopia, a country in eastern Africa. Scientists from 6 countries met there to study fossils.

Tim White : The creature could eat both meat and bone marrow. Previously creatures did not use tools to cut their meat so their diet was more limited. The addition of meat to the diet did not turn the creatures into lions, but rather it enabled them to kill larger animals for food.

Don Knapp : The addition of meat and fat to the creature's diet had many positive effects. Meat and fat helped the thinking powers of the brain and broadened the diet. The improved diet helped creatures survive better and longer and begin development toward modern humans.

Desmond Clark : The creatures wanted the fat and protein found in the bone marrow. In order to get to the marrow, the bones had to be smashed. Tool marks have been found on a bone near the skull.

Rusty Dornin : The marks were on the mandible, or jaw bone, and happened when meat was cut from the bone. This is the earliest evidence scholars have found that man used tools to eat.

Greg Lefevre : That sharp stones were used to cut into the skin and tissue for eating. Hammer stones were the tools used to break bones to extract marrow and fat.

Paul Renne : Geologists used lasers to heat volcanic crystals from the site to determine age. They can be fairly close in giving the age of the fossils. A precise estimate is 2.496 million years, plus or minus 8,000 years.

3. 제시문은 발굴된 화석과 관련한 견해를 담고 있다. ‘육류 섭취와 도구 사용의 흔적’이라는 안건에 대한 본문의 의견 중 성격이 다른 내용을 제시한 한 사람을 지적하고 그 이유를 말하시오.

4. 육류나 지방 조직의 섭취에 대한 긍정적인 면을 제시한 사람이 누구인지 찾고 그 효과를 말하시오.

◇2006학년도 서울지역 외국어고등학교 기출문제 유형 해설 및 답안은 인터넷 이지논술(www.easynonsul.com) 사이트에서 보실 수 있습니다.

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