1. Read the following on advertising techniques and answer the question.
The goal of advertising is to convince you to buy a company's products.
But how exactly does advertising work? Here are some of the common techniques that advertisers use. First, the (A)"snob appeal" technique. Advertisers make you feel that if you buy and use the product you'll live a glamorous life like the rich. Another technique is using (B)"patriotism" to sell products. "If you love your country, you'll buy this product" is the idea here. The next technique is the (C)"avant garde," which is used to suggest that using a product will put you ahead of everyone else. "Get it before anyone else!" is a common message here. Finally, a technique you're probably all familiar with is the (D)"testimonial" where a famous person is used to endorse the product. This is probably the most common technique used in advertising products to young people.
Question : Match each advertisement below to the technique used for it, and explain the techniques briefly.
Answers : ①-( ), ②-( ), ③-( ), ④-( )
① “Walk your way to a slimmer, filler body. As used by top TV stars!”(ad on stair exerciser)
② “Add music to your morning. Be the first in your neighborhood to get one”(ad on shower radio)
③ “Perfect for overnight guests, or for camping. As comfortable as sleeping in a luxury hotel!”(ad on inflatable bed)
④ “Enjoy music and privacy anywhere. Made in America, by Americans!”(ad on cordless headphone)
※ 다음 제시문을 읽고 질문에 답하시오.
What are propaganda techniques? Propaganda techniques are used by writers to make you think a certain way about a topic. Some propaganda techniques are overgeneralization, circular reasoning, loaded language, bandwagon, and testimonials.
Overgeneralization occurs when a person decides on something without possessing all of the facts. Example: A person who saw three bike riders without helmets might think, "Nobody wears a bicycle helmet." That conclusion is an overgeneralization.
Circular reasoning occurs when a person supports an opinion by saying the same thing in different ways.
Example: SUVs are popular because more people buy them than any other category of new cars. This statement does not make sense because it uses different words to restate the first part of the sentence.
Loaded language (with connotation: feelings associated with the word, and denotation: definition of the word) is used when a writer wants to appeal to a person's emotions. Example: Suppose a restaurant advertisement states,
“You'll enjoy inexpensive dining on our secluded terrace with succulent roast beef as our specialty.” This ad would bring more customers to the restaurant instead of one that states, "You'll enjoy cheap dining on our secluded deck with juicy roast beef as our specialty." The words "inexpensive" and "cheap" have similar denotations; "inexpensive" has a positive connotation, while "cheap" has a negative connotation.
Bandwagon is used to make people want to belong to a group. A phrase like, "Everybody is doing it," or "buying it," is an example of this technique.
Testimonials give people the chance to promote products. These people don't always believe a product is good. Sometimes they are well paid to sell the product so they say it's better than another similar product, but this might not be the case.
2. 다음 문장의 단어 "home"이 지니는 connotation과 denotation의 의미를 각각 설명하시오.
However humble it may be, there is no place like home.
3. 다음 주어진 설명에 해당하는 propaganda technique를 본문에서 찾아 빈칸에 쓰고, <보기>의 밑줄 친 부분에는 그중 어떤 기법이 사용되었는지 말해보시오.
①__________: A propaganda technique used to make people want to belong to a group
②__________: A propaganda technique that encourages a person to decide on something without enough information to make an informed decision
③__________: A propaganda technique involving a well-known person endorsing a product
If everyone cheats playing games, then it's okay for me to do it, too. That's what I decided after two of my friends bragged that they cheated while keeping score, and they both scored higher than I did. Why should I lose to classmates just because I don't cheat?
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