[理知논술/영어 논술 클리닉]초등 영어

  • 입력 2006년 9월 19일 02시 59분

달팽이를 어떻게 바꾸면 빨리 가게 할 수 있을까?

■ 제시문

Do you know how fast a snail is? I was surprised by its speed. Its speed is 1.38 centimeters per second. That is approximately 50 meters per hour. That is quite slow.

So, how can we change a snail to make it go faster? First of all, we should know why snails are so slow. According to the Internet, snails are slow because they do not have legs. They just move by their abdomens

Thus, I would change their body by giving them legs or strengthening their muscles. Maybe I can give them some bottles of agility potion. However, eventually I would change their shells. I would change the shells to motors, and I would give them wheels. Then, they may go faster than an angry spider!

■ 이해력 높이기

1. How fast can snails move?

(A) 1.38 centimeters per second.

(B) 50 meters per hour.

(C) Both A and B

2. Why are snails so slow?

(A) They have weak muscles.

(B) They have no legs.

(C) They are always tired.

3. What is the best change to the snail does the writer suggest?

(A) give them legs.

(B) strengthen their muscles.

(C) change the shells to motors and give them wheels.

답: 1번 A, 2번 B, 3번 C

■ 표현 연습

1. 더 빨리 가게 하다 : ∼ make something go faster

달팽이를 어떻게 바꾸면 빨리 가게 할 수 있을까?

How can we change a snail to make it go faster?

2. ∼에 따르면 : according to ∼

인터넷에 따르면 달팽이는 다리가 없어서 느리다.

According to the Internet, snails are slow because

they do not have legs.

3. ∼함으로써 : by -ing

나는 달팽이들에게 다리를 주어서 달팽이의 몸을 바꾸겠다.

I would change their body by giving them legs.

◎ 직접 써봐요

Explain how you would modify a snail to make it go faster.

달팽이를 어떻게 바꾸면 빨리 움직이게 할 수 있을까? 여러분도 상상력을 발휘해서 글로 써봅시다.

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