※이지논술 사이트에서 본문 내용을 원어민의 음성으로 들을 수 있습니다.
■ 제시문
We watch a lot of movies. When we watch movies, we think about the countries where they were made. When I watch a movie, I learn about the people's characteristics, about the society of the country, and the history of the country. Sometimes, I can learn other things, but I learn these three things the most when I watch a movie.
First, when I watch a movie, I learn about the people's characteristics in the country where the movie was made. A month ago, I watched a movie called "Firewall." This movie is about a family. A businessman works in a very big company. One day, some hackers trespass into his house and demand that he give them money. The family is really in danger, so he uses his wisdom and fights back. Finally, he rescues his family. After I watched the movie, I thought that in America, the love between family members is great. Like this, when we watch a movie, we can find the people's characteristics in the country where it was made.
Moreover, when I watch a movie, I learn the society of the country where the movie was made. The movie "The Monster" is a good example. In Korea's Han River, a monster appears. The monster catches a girl, so the girl's family requires the government to rescue her, but the government refuses. The family goes to rescue her, but the girl dies. When I watched this movie, I thought that the government in my country is unmindful of its citizens. This movie was made in Korea and a few weeks later, I heard that the director wanted to talk about the unmindful government. At this time, I learned about Korean society.
Also, when I watch a movie, sometimes I learn about the history of the country where the movie was made. I watched a movie called "Taegeukgi." When I watched this movie, I could learn about Korean history. This movie is about two brothers that fight in the Korean War. The elder brother dies to save the younger brother. In this movie, I learned how tragic the Korean War was, and what the society in Korea was like. Like this, sometimes we can know about a country's history through its movies.
To conclude, when I watch a movie, I learn about the people's characteristics, the society of the country, and the history of the country. I think when we watch movies, we have to think about these things. Then, watching movies will be very helpful to us.
■ 이해력 높이기
1. Which is not something the writer thinks about when he watches a movie?
A. Characteristics of the country's people
B. The country's history
C. The country's politics
D. The country's society
2. What movie does the writer talk about that is not from Korea?
A. Firewall
B. The Monster
C. Taegeukgi
3. Why are movies helpful to the writer and to us?
A. They are fun and exciting.
B. They are educational.
C. They release our stress.
답: 1.(C) 2.(A) 3.(B)
■ 표현연습
1. ∼가 ∼할 것을 요구하다: demand that 주어 + 동사원형
미국은 한국 정부가 이라크에 비 전투 부대를 파병할 것을 요구했다.
The United States demanded that the South Korean government dispatch non-combat troops to Iraq.
2. ∼에 무심하다: be unmindful of
그는 이기심으로 생긴 결과에 신경 쓰지 않는다.
He is unmindful of the consequences of selfishness.
3. ∼에게 도움이 된다: be helpful to
서평은 독자들에게 매우 도움이 된다.
Book reviews are very helpful to readers.
■ 총평
김경아 학생의 에세이가 선정된 이유는 글의 구성이 뛰어나고 구체적인 예를 잘 사용해 결론에 도달하고 있기 때문이다. 김경아 학생이 서론을 쓴 방식은 아주 좋다. 에세이의 주제가 명확하게 나타나 있고 자신의 의견 역시 확실하게 제시돼 있다. 본론의 틀도 잘 잡혀 있다.
본론에 사용된 예들은 하나같이 구체적인 사실들을 보여준다. 예를 들어 남녀공학 학교에서 남녀간의 육체적 차이점들을 알 수 있다는 예가 여기에 해당한다. 동시에 이러한 사실들이 경아 학생의 개인적 경험에 토대를 두고 있기 때문에 여기에 대한 반론을 어렵게 만든다.
이 에세이의 가장 훌륭한 점은 결론에서 찾아볼 수 있다. 단순히 논제(thesis)와 main ideas를 재진술하는데 그치지 않고 독자로 하여금 저자에게 동의하도록 하는 마무리(closing statement)를 하고 있다는 점이다. 이 점은 여러분도 마음에 새겨 두어야 한다.
다만 한 가지 주의할 점은 영어다운 표현법이다. 특히 자주 사용하는 구문에 대해서는 더욱 주의를 기울여야 한다. 이 에세이에서는 “people who have opposite gender” 라는 구문보다는 “members of the opposite gender”라고 표현하는 편이 더 낫다.
이 밖에 이수지 학생(Co-ed schools are better than separate schools to students)과 신용섭 학생(Boys and girls should go same school)의 글도 좋았다.
☞자세한 교정 내용은 이지논술 사이트를 참조하세요.
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