※이지논술 사이트에서 본문 내용을 원어민의 음성으로 들을 수 있습니다.
My blood type is B, and as you would probably know, I don't like to eat the same things over and over again. Also, I enjoy gourmet food and I like to eat delicious dishes. I can taste the difference between the fish from aquaculture and the fish from nature. The dishes that I often enjoy are tomatoes with wine sauce on them, beautiful rolls, sushi raw fish (especially the belly of tuna) and so on. To eat the same meal everyday for the rest of my life would be the most terrible punishment for me, but if I had to, I would probably choose tuna sushi.
Sushi is delicious and beautiful. I don't just think of sushi as a delicious food. It can be a work of art by its chef. There are 68 grains of rice in one sushi and that's the best number of rice, suitable for a mouth to swallow. Great sushi is up to the fish on top, and tuna is the best raw fish. I don't even need to chew raw tuna; it just melts in my mouth like snow.
There are no problems with nutrients when you eat sushi. Tuna is called "the treasury of nutrition" because it has various nutrients like protein, vitamins, calcium, and dehydroacetic acids (DHA). There are always some secondary dishes that show up during the meal. The sour taste of garlic and pink ginger, which I enjoy, are also good for your health.
I also have a funny story about sushi. About two months ago, I went to a sushi restaurant and I was eating sushi. Suddenly, the youngest cook came and gave me a tomato with a very valuable wine sauce on it, which I love. He asked me so many questions and he was so shy. This was because he thought that I was about twenty years old, which was how old he was. I told him that I was only fifteen years old, and he quit the job. Whenever I think of this story, I can laugh a lot, so when I got really, really sick of sushi, I could still laugh about it.
Since sushi is delicious, beautiful, and makes me laugh and not get sick of it, I would like to eat sushi for the rest of my life, but that's only if I had to. If I didn't have to eat the same meal everyday, of course I wouldn't. It gives me goose bumps just imagining it. However, this would be the best way to eat a balanced diet.
■이해력 높이기
1. What is the first reason why the writer would eat sushi?
A) It is healthy.
B) It is delicious and beautiful.
C) It is easy to cook.
2. Why is tuna called "the treasury of nutrition"?
A) It has many essential nutrients.
B) To stay healthy, one must eat a lot of tuna.
C) Tuna is very expensive.
3. Why did the sushi chef quit his job?
A) The sushi he prepared made the writer sick.
B) The chef was too shy.
C) The chef was too embarrassed.
정답: 1.B, 2.A, 3.C
1.∼와 ∼의 차이점: difference between ∼ and ∼
그것이 너와 나의 근본적인 차이점이다.
That is the fundamental difference between you and me.
2.기타 등등: and so on
밥, 죽, 떡 등을 먹을 수 있다.
You can have rice, rice soup, rice cake and so on.
3.∼에 질리게 되다: get sick of
갈비 3인분을 먹자 질려버렸다.
When I had three helpings of Galbi, I got sick of it.
■총평 - 서론에선 독자가 의문 품지 않도록 확신주는 표현을
최지예 학생의 글은 우리 학생들에게 귀감이 되는 거의 완벽한 토플 양식의 에세이다. 첫째로 에세이에 사용된 영어가 훌륭하다. 즉, 문장 구조와 문법도 탄탄하고 사용하고 있는 어휘도 다양하며 창의적이다. 각 문단 또한 완벽한 주제문을 가지고 있어서 해당 문단이 무엇에 관한 내용인지를 쉽게 알게 해준다. 또한 구체적인 예를 잘 들고 있어 전반적인 아이디어가 탄탄하다. 가장 중요한 것은 어려운 문장구조나 적절치 않은 예나 헐거운 구조로 인한 혼동이 없다는 것이다. 간단히 말하면 최지예 학생은 처음부터 끝까지 자신의 글을 완벽하게 통제하고 있다고 말할 수 있다. 그 덕분에 이 글은 읽기 쉽고 흥미롭다.
문두에 ‘거의 완벽한’ 이란 말을 한 이유는 작은 변화 한 가지면 이 글이 훨씬 더 나아질 수 있기 때문이다. 최지예 학생은 서론에서 “there are things about the history, the culture, and the people of the country that can be learned” 란 표현을 했는데 이것은 똑같이 중요한 다른 배울 것들이 있음을 암시한다. 아마 이것은 사실일 것이다. 예를 들면 언어라고 하는 것 역시 영화에서 배울 수 있는 중요한 요소이다. 그러나 에세이를 쓸 때는 자신의 주장을 하고 있으므로 독자로 하여금 자신이 내세우는 의견에 대해 의문을 품게 해서는 안 된다. 따라서 최지예 학생이 사용한 문장을 다음과 같이 바꿔줄 수 있다. “the most important things that can be learned of a country by watching movies are the history, the culture, and the people.” “most important things” 라는 표현을 이용함으로써 서론을 훨씬 더 탄탄하고 확신 있게 만들어 줄 수 있는 것이다.
☞자세한 교정 내용은 이지논술 사이트를 참조하세요
◎ 써서 보내요
If you had to eat the same meal everyday for the rest of your life, what would it be? Why?
만일 여러분이 여생 동안 매일 똑같은 식사를 해야 한다면 과연 어떨까? 위의 제시문을 참고로 자신의 글을 써보자.
○ 이 사이트로 보내세요
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