※이지논술 사이트에서 본문 내용을 원어민의 음성으로 들을 수 있습니다.
■ 제시문
Nowadays, many teenagers have become game addicts and play games the whole day. When I ask the game addicts 〃Is it fun to play games or is it only fun to play games when you win?〃 then they say it is fun to play games, while normal people say it is fun to play games when they win. Therefore, I disagree with the following statement which says playing a game is fun only when we win because of the real purpose of games, having fun by doing other things, and playing games is based on teamwork, not winning.
The first reason why I think playing games can be fun even when you lose is that the purpose of making games is not just to sell, but to make people release their stress by having fun. For example, when we play games, we forget everything and concentrate on the games. Also, we don't just do the games, we feel like we are the person in the game and this makes us excited. As you can see, we just enjoy the games.
Another reason why I think playing games will always be fun is we don't just play games; we could do many other things, like decorating. One year ago, I tried to play a game called Cartrider. In this game, I could make friends, decorate my character, and also get some prizes by just playing games. By doing things like that, I can have fun with games besides just playing and winning.
Lastly, playing games can be fun whether I win or lose because we can have fun playing games together with other people. Research shows that people become happier when they do things with other people. According to some research and surveys, people who say they are happy when they are playing are ranked third, whereas those who say they are happy when they are winning are ranked over 20. Also, when I win a game, only I feel happy and only I am having fun. However, when we just play games, we could enjoy the game together. According to the research and my own experience, I think we could enjoy the games without winning.
To conclude, I disagree with the statement which says "playing games is fun only when we win," for the following reasons: games have been made to make people have fun, we could enjoy many other things by playing games, and according to many information sources and my own experience, we really do enjoy games without winning, when we just play games. Even if the world becomes calmer, and people only think about themselves, you could have fun by just playing games, if you are not the kind of person who is crazy about winning and prizes.
■ 이해력 높이기
1. What is the purpose of making games?
A) Making games is for selling games.
B) Making games is for winning as often as you can.
C) Making games is for releasing stress by having fun.
2. Why is ‘Cartrider’ a fun game for the writer?
A) She could easily win the games, which made her feel in control.
B) The game is difficult, so when she wins, she feels proud.
C) The game lets her do many things besides just playing and winning.
3. What does research show?
A) People are happier when they do things with other people.
B) People are happiest when they win games.
C) People do not enjoy playing games because they are often stressful.
정답: 1.(C) 2.(C) 3.(A)
■ 표현 연습
1. 스트레스를 해소하다: release stress
스트레스를 해소하기 위해 나는 스쿼시를 한다.
I play squash to release stress.
2. ∼에 집중하다: concentrate on
나는 공부에 열중해서 뭔가를 이루겠다.
I will concentrate on my studies and make something of myself.
◎ 써서 보내요
Do you agree or disagree with the following topic? Playing a game is fun only when you win.
우리는 어릴 때부터 많은 게임을 해 왔다. 게임을 하다 보면 질 때도 이길 때도 있다. 여러분은 이길 때만 게임이 재미있다고 생각하는가? 이 의견에 찬성인지 아니면 반대인지 자신의 입장을 분명히 밝히고 적절한 근거를 들어보자.
※ 초등영어 논술클리닉은 인터넷 이지논술 사이트에서 계속 제공됩니다.
◎ 이 사이트로 보내세요
‘다음 논제 써서 보내요’에 대한 글을 다음 주 월요일까지 보내 주세요. 잘된 글 가운데 일부를 선정해 문화상품권을 보내 드립니다.
글 보내실 곳: www.easynonsul.com → 중학논술 →논술클리닉(www.easynonsul.com/Middle/Clinic/)
● 논제
Is it better to be able to work with a group of people in a team or to be able to work independently?
혼자서 또는 여럿이 그룹을 이뤄 학교 수행평가를 준비해 본 적이 있을 것이다. 그때의 경험을 되살리며 자신이 생각하는 바를 주장해 보자.
■ 학생글
이송희·경기 평촌중학교 2학년
Some assignments are given as individual work while other are given as group work. If I was to pick one from these two examples, I would prefer working independently. There are two main reasons for my opinion.
Firstly, woking in a group takes too much time. Assignments or other work should be done fastly and efficiently. That's why independent working is prefered. In a short time we can shoose the topic and follow the details without fighting or having conflicts between people. Working in teams needs quite compicated work, starting from debating to presenting. I can refer to my own experience for a certain situation. During gym class, girls had to practice skipping rope in a group. First we had to decide who was going to stand in the front and back. Just from this, it took us one hour. Secondly, working individually helps concerntrating easily more than working in group. For and example, we can easily quite down calsses with fewer students. As the number of students increase, teachers can control the class less effectively. It's the same with doing work. Working in groups just makes us more exaggerated, making usless focused on the sork we need to do.
For these two main reasons, I would suggest working independently is better. There also can be benifits form working in groups, but I would prefer to be more concerntrated and finish the work fastly and efficiently.
■ 첨삭글
Some assignments are given as individual work while others are given as group work. If I had to pick one from these two examples, I would prefer working independently. There are two main reasons for my opinion.
Firstly, working in a group takes too much time. Assignments or other work should be done fast and efficiently. That's why I prefer working independently. In a short time, we can choose the topic and follow the details without fighting or having conflicts between people. Working in teams needs quite complicated work, starting from debating to presenting. I can refer to my own experience for a certain situation. During gym class, the girls had to practice skipping rope in a group. First we had to decide who was going to stand in the front and back. Just from this, it took us one hour. Secondly, working individually helps you concentrate more easily than working in groups. For an example, we can easily quiet down in classes that have fewer students. As the number of students increase, the teacher's ability to control the class decreases. It's the same with doing work. Working in groups just makes us more exaggerated, which makes us less focused on the work we need to do.
For these two main reasons, I would suggest that working independently is better. There also can be benefits form working in groups, but I would prefer to have more concentration and finish the work fast and efficiently.
서론-본론에서 자기 주장 명확히 밝혀야
■ 총평
이송희 학생의 에세이는 훌륭한 점이 많지만 특히 사례를 잘 들어주고 있다. 그 예들이 아주 구체적이고 가정 상황에 대해 자신이 직접 겪은 경험을 이야기하고 있어서 이해하기가 쉽다.
두 가지 정도만 수정을 하면 정말 손 댈 곳 없는 에세이가 될 것이다. 우선은 글의 구성과 관련이 있다. 서론과 본론에서 송희 학생은 주장하는 바를 명확히 밝혀야 한다. 그렇게 함으로써 독자들이 서론을 통해 글의 본문에 어떤 내용이 나올지를 알 수 있으며 결론에서는 다시 글쓴이의 주장을 읽고 기억하게 된다. 서론과 결론에서 이 과정이 빠져 있으면 주장하는 바가 모호해 질 수 있다. 또 한 가지는 각 본문의 문단에 있는 주제문과 관련된다. 송희 학생이 쓴 본문의 각 문단은 주제문을 잘 제시하고 있으나 만약 문단의 주제문을 글 전체의 주제문과 연결시킨다면 훨씬 더 좋았을 것이다. 예를 들어 다음과 같은 식으로 다시 써 볼 수 있겠다. The first reason why I prefer working independently is that working in a group takes too much time. 이렇게 함으로써 해당 문단을 글 전체와 더욱 일관성 있게 해 줄 수 있을 뿐만 아니라 글을 길어지게 하는 효과도 갖게 된다. 토플 에세이가 최소 300단어 이상을 요구하는 점을 감안할 때 일석이조라 할 수 있겠다.
2nd Prize: 이다은, 3rd Prize: 전준호
- It is better to be able to work independently.
댓글 0