[理知논술/영어 논술 클리닉]중학 영어

  • 입력 2006년 12월 19일 02시 57분

여행 가이드와 함께 하는 단체 여행이 가장 좋은 여행법이라는 의견에 찬성 혹은 반대?

※이지논술 사이트에서 본문 내용을 원어민의 음성으로 들을 수 있습니다.


Traveling in another country is an activity that many people enjoy, but it can sometimes be a stressful event, and so some people prefer to travel in a group led by a tour guide because it creates a more comfortable traveling experience. I can understand this benefit, but I still would disagree that the best way to travel is in a group led by a tour guide. I think tour groups and guides limit a traveler's freedom and ability to meet people, both of which make the trip less adventurous. Not only that, but traveling this way is often more expensive than traveling on your own. Therefore, when I travel alone or with friends, I prefer traveling without a tour guide.

The first reason why I disagree that the best way to travel is in a group led by a tour guide is because this limits your personal freedom. Traveling is supposed to be fun, relaxed, and adventurous, but it is hard to feel this way with a set schedule and itinerary. If you go on a trip with a tour group, you have to follow the group to the places that the majority of the group wants to see, go to restaurants that appeal to everyone, and follow the same time schedule. Although I usually travel with just family or friends, I once went on a tour trip to Beijing. I had a lot of fun, and the people in my tour group were nice, but I still felt like I was too restricted. There were places that I wanted to see, like the Temple of Heaven, that I wasn't able to see, and we were only allowed to stay at the Great Wall for a little over an hour. Also, I was forced to go shopping for an entire afternoon, even though I wasn't planning on buying anything. After the trip, I regretted doing the tour because I wasn't able to do all the things that I wanted to do as I was limited to doing what the group wanted to do.

Being restricted to a set schedule also meant I wasn't able to meet as many people as I wanted to. In fact, I only talked to the people in my tour group. What I really wanted to do was have a chance to walk around markets and try to talk with local people. In Beijing, I was able to talk to two students, but I was only able to talk to them for about twenty minutes because I had to leave right away. Another thing I like to do is meet other travelers because I like to share different experiences. The only travelers I met in Beijing were my tour group members, and they were doing the exact same thing I was doing, so I couldn't learn as much from them as I could from meeting new travelers.

Aside from being less adventurous and interesting, traveling with a tour group is also a lot more expensive. With a tour group, you have to pay for the guide's time and leadership, plus you cannot choose your hotel or the restaurants you eat at. When I went to Beijing, I stayed in a really nice hotel and ate at very expensive restaurants, and although this was fun, I would have chosen less expensive places if I was traveling on my own. My friend, who later went to Beijing on his own, told me he actually got to do more of the things that I had wanted to do and paid a lot less! I realized that I should probably never go on another tour after I found that out.

In conclusion, going on trips with a tour guide and group can help make the trip easier, but in my opinion, it will be less fun and more expensive than traveling alone. This is because you have less freedom to do what you want to do, less chance to meet a variety of people, and are more controlled as to how much money you have to pay. I really wish I had traveled to Beijing alone or just with my friends, and I know that in the future, I will never travel with a tour group led by a guide.

■이해력 높이기

1. Why does the writer think traveling with a group limits your freedom?

(A) You have no one to talk to.

(B) You have to follow a set schedule.

(C) You cannot eat at any restaurants.

2. In the writer's opinion, what is the best way to meet people?

(A) In a group, because there are more people in the group.

(B) You can't meet any people when you travel.

(C) Traveling alone lets you meet anyone you want.

정답: 1.(B) 2.(C)


Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? The best way to travel is in a group led by a tour guide. Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.

우리 학생들도 지금까지 다양한 형태의 여행을 해 보았을 것이다. 여행 가이드에 의한 단체 여행이 가장 좋은 여행방법이라고 생각하는가? 자신의 경험을 토대로 해서 자신의 생각을 명쾌하게 밝혀 보자.

※ 초등영어 논술클리닉은 인터넷 이지논술 사이트에서 계속 제공됩니다.


Do you agree of disagree with the following topic? Playing a game is fun only when you win.

우리는 어릴 때부터 많은 게임을 해 왔다. 게임을 하다 보면 질 때도, 이길 때도 있다. 여러분은 이길 때만 게임이 재미있다고 생각하는가? 이 의견에 찬성인지 아니면 반대인지 자신의 생각을 분명히 밝히고 적절한 근거를 들어 보자.


전준호·경기 갈뫼중학교 2학년 - It also can be fun when you lose.

Many teenagers play games a lot. Many people think it's fun because they win a lot. I don' t think it's fun just because you win. Some times you can lose or win. The first reason that I think it can be fun even if you lose is that , you can still enjoy games even if you lose the game. You can release your stress by playing ,talking to people, and play games with them. Secondly, too much winning can make the game boring. If you always win, and not losing, you could feel the game boring. Several months ago, I played a game which is similar to the game called "starcraft". Because I was not good at war games, I changed the settings that I can win easily. It was so easy that I won over 10 times. And as I won, I got bored more and more. I could change the settings, but the game wasn't interesting anymore. Finally, I deleted the game. Because of this event, I thought too much winning can make the game boring. To conclude, it's not only fun when you always win. Some times losing can make the game more interesting.


Many teenagers play games a lot. Many people think it is fun because they win a lot. I do not think it is fun just because you win. Sometimes you can lose or win.

The first reason that I think it can be fun even if you lose is that, you can still enjoy games even if you lose the game. You can release your stress by playing, talking to people, and playing games with them.

Secondly, too much winning can make the game boring. If you always win, and never lose, you could feel that the game is boring. Several months ago, I played a game which is similar to the game called "Starcraft". I changed the settings so that I could win easily because I was not good at war games. It was so easy that I won over 10 times. As I won, I got more and more bored. I could change the settings back, but the game was not interesting anymore. Finally, I deleted the game. I thought too much winning can make the game boring because of that event.

To conclude,it's not only fun when youalways win. Sometimes losing can make the game more interesting.

■총평 - 문단 구성, 서론1-본론3-결론1 가장 이상적

전준호 학생의 에세이는 세 번째 문단이 아주 좋지만, 전체적으로는 고쳐야 할 것들이 몇 가지 있다. 우선 좋은 것부터 얘기해 보면, 세 번째 문단의 경우 이해하기 쉽게 문단의 주제문을 썼고 또 게임을 하는 대부분의 사람이 관련을 맺고 있는 아주 구체적인 예를 들어 준 점이다.

하지만 에세이의 나머지 부분은 취약하다. 첫째, 서론과 결론에 해당하는 문단의 길이가 너무 짧다. 반드시 서론과 본론에서는 주된 생각(main idea)을 간략하게 제시해야 한다. 그래야만 독자들이 전반적인 에세이의 내용을 이해하는 지침을 갖게 되기 때문이다. 둘째, 아이디어가 좀 더 필요하다. 준호 학생은 두 가지 아이디어를 제시했으나 세 번째 문단만이 제대로 된 문단이라고 할 수 있다.

토플 에세이 시간을 감안한다 하더라도 가장 이상적인 에세이 형식은 서론 한 문단, 본론 세 문단, 그리고 결론 한 문단의 형식이다. 토플 에세이 시험 제한시간인 30분이 촉박하다면 본론을 두 문단 정도로 해도 괜찮지만, 대신 그 두 문단은 탄탄하게 구성되어야 한다는 점을 잊지 말자. 이러한 점을 명심한다면 에세이 시험에서 좋은 결과를 기대할 수 있다.

2nd Prize: 노혜준

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