• 입력 2007년 11월 6일 03시 00분

〈Theme: Body and Health〉


3 Physical activity to stay healthy or make your body stronger

4 A person who is receiving medical treatment

5 The part of the face above the eyes and below the hair

8 The part of the leg between the hip and the knee

10 The part of the body from the bottom of the neck to the upper arm

13 A pain in your stomach

14 One of the two outside openings in the nose

15 The joint between the upper and lower parts of the leg

17 The front part of the leg between the knee and ankle

18 The joint between the upper arm and forearm that helps your arm to bend

20 A high body temperature caused by illness

22 The side of the face between the jaw and the eye


1 The food that a person usually eats, or to eat special or small amounts of food to lose weight

2 To perform surgery

6 The part of the leg directly above the foot

7 A statement about what illness or disease someone has after being examined by a doctor

9 A drug or other substance used to treat a disease, injury, pain, or other symptoms

11 The inside part of the hand between the wrist and the fingers

12 A sudden loss of consciousness

13 A permanent mark on your skin where you have been injured

15 The round joint that connects the finger to the hand

16 The line of hair above your eyes

19 An injury or mark caused by fire or heat

21 Small red spots on the skin caused by an illness or allergy

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