1 To reuse materials such as newspaper,cans or bottles
3 Damage done to the air, water or land with chemicals or other substances
4 A large area of salt water
8 A large area of land with few plants, little water and where the weather is dry
10 Any cold-blooded scaly vertebrate animal such as lizards, snakes and tortoises
11 A large, flat area of land without trees in very cold northern parts of the world
13 A huge mass of ice that moves very slowly
15 The natural home of an animal or plant
16 A small animal that has six legs and sometimes wings
18 An animal in which the female gives live birth to babies and feeds them with milk from her own body
19 A mountain that forces hot air, lava, or rocks through a hole at the top
21 The amount of rain that falls in one place within a given time
22 An animal or plant, or part of one, which lived many years ago and is preserved in a piece of rock
23 A large area of fresh water
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1 A forest in a tropical part of the world where it rains a lot
2 An imaginary line around the middle of the earth at an equal distance from the North Pole and the South Pole
5 Animals or plants that share similar characteristics
6 The substance on the surface of the Earth in which plants grow
7 An animal, such as the frog, that lives both on land and in water
9 A long period of dry weather
12 To change a solid into a liquid, such as ice into water
14 Land suitable or used for farming
17 All the plants and animals in a specific area that work together and depend on one
20 A gas in the air that has no smell or taste,and that all animals need to breathe
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