■ 응모문제 ■
A frog, a puppy, a sheep, a rabbit, and a mole are having a chess league. (In a league, each team plays every other team.) So far, the puppy has played four times, the sheep 3, the rabbit 2 and the mole has played just once. How many times should the frog have played so far?
Tip! |
리그전에서는 각각의 팀이 한 번씩 경기를 합니다. 누군가가 한 번 경기를 할 때마다, 다른 선수도 한 번 경기를 했다는 이야기겠죠? |
■ 도전! 하나 ■
Chung, Aki and Jin-woo are playing a game called “linking dots”. The rules of the game are as follows:
Each person take turns connecting two dots with a line.
You cannot draw the same line as the one another person has already drawn.
The person who draws the last possible line loses.
Let’s say the three players are playing this game in the order of Chung, Aki and Jin-woo. Who loses?
Tip! |
take turns ∼ → 돌아가며 ∼ 하다
돌아가며 게임을 하면, 몇 명이 게임을 하는지가 중요합니다. 왜 그럴까요? |
■ 도전! 둘 ■
We want to put numbers from 1 to 7 in each square in the following diagram, so that the sum of three numbers in each of row or column should be the same. What are the numbers which could go into the colored square?
Tip! |
diagram → 도형, 모형
row → 행
column → 열 |
■ 도전! 셋 ■
There was a fire at house no. 7. Reading the following tips, guess whose house it was.
a. Hee’s house, which is next to Sun-yu’s house, and Sang-gwon’s house, are the two houses which are situated as farthest from each other as possible.
b. June’s house is on the north row, and is next to Eun-jung’s house.
c. Hyun-a’s house is directly east of Sang-gwon’s house.
d. Nan’s house is next to Jiyoung’s house.
e. June’s house and Nan’s house are the two houses which are as far apart from each other as they can be in the area.
f. Jiyoung’s house is south of Sun-yu’s house.
Tip! |
row → 행
two house which are situated as farthest from each other as possible → 가능한 한 멀리 떨어져 있는 두 집
as far ∼ as can be → 최대로 먼
directly east of ∼ → 바로 동쪽에 있는
a와 f를 잘 살펴보면 Sang-gwon의 집이 남쪽인지 북쪽인지를 알 수 있습니다. |
■ 도전! 넷 ■
Fill in the blank in the following equation and show how you arrived at your answer.
1 + 3 + 5 + 7 + … + 31 + 33 = □
Tip! |
equation → 등식
show how you arrived at your answer → 풀이 과정을 적으시오 |
■ 도전! 다섯 ■
Five students, A, B, C, D, and E, take the train or the bus to go to school. Read the following conditions and answer the question below.
1. C and D use different types of transportation.
2. A and B use different types of transportation.
3. B and E use different types of transportation.
Choose a sentence which we can say with certainty among the following examples.
① The ones who take buses are B and D.
② The ones who take trains are B and E.
③ C takes a bus, and E takes a train.
④ A and E use the same type of transportation.
⑤ A and D cannot be using the same type of transportation.
Tip! |
condition → 조건
say a sentence with certainty → 확신을 갖고 어떤 문장을 말하다
각 학생이 이용하는 교통편의 차이에 주목합시다. |
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