[신나는 공부]Let's Think! 영어사고력 문제

  • 입력 2008년 5월 6일 03시 00분

■ 응모문제 ■

You can choose a main dish and a drink in a restaurant. There were four people - Charles, Minoo, Younghee, and Heejae - sitting as below. Decide what food each person ordered.


Main Dishes: Pork cutlet, Bibimbob, Sandwich
Drinks: Milk, Coffee, Juice

Charles: I don’t like sandwiches.

Minoo: A person who likes sandwiches is not sitting by someone who feels like eating pork cutlet.

Younghee: I and a person next to me want Bibimbob.

Heejae: Nobody likes to drink coffee or milk.


main dish → 주요리
pork cutlet → 돈까스
희재의 말을 들어보면, 이들이 어떤 음료를 시켰는지는 아주 간단하죠?

■ 도전! 하나 ■

Mr. Bo is being thought rather ridiculous in his town. It is because he has been arguing that in the time of King Sejong, the population of Korea should have been a million times that of now. What follows is his argument:

“Everybody has two parents, and every parent has their own two parents. So a certain person always has four grandparents. Likewise, a person always has eight great-grand parents. It means that whenever you count up one generation, the number of ancestors he or she has doubles. The time of King Sejong was about twenty generations ago- which means that the number of ancestors of a certain person of our generation who lived in the time of Sejong was about a million! Then it follows that the population in Sejong’s time is a million times that of ours.”

Evidently Mr. Bo’s argument is flawed. Now explain why.


ridiculous → 어처구니없는

the time of King Sejong → 세종대왕 시대

million → 백만

Likewise → 이와 마찬가지로

great-grand parents → 증조부모

whenever you count up one generation → 한 세대를 올라가 셀 때마다

flawed → (주장 등에) 결함이 있다.

모든 사람에게는 두 사람의 부모가 있으니, 한 세대씩 올라갈 때마다 2의 제곱씩 조상이 생긴다는 주장입니다. 어디가 잘못되었나요?

■ 도전! 둘 ■

You want to cut along some of the sides of the following solid so that you can fold it out to make it into a development figure. What is the minimum number of sides that you should cut along?


development figure → 전개도

cut along some of the sides → 모서리 중 몇 개를 (모서리를 따라) 자르다

fold it out → 그것을 밖으로 펼치다

입체를 전개도로 만들 때, 각 면을 잇는 모서리는 몇 개가 필요합니까? 그렇다면 몇 개의 모서리가 잘려야 합니까?

■ 도전! 셋 ■

Each different alphabet represents a number. What are A, B, and C?


represent → 나타내다

B가 될 수 있는 숫자에는 무엇이 있나요?

■ 도전! 넷 ■

A tradesman went out of a city passing seven different gates. Passing the first gate, he gave the guard half of the beads he was carrying and gave one more on top of it. Passing the second gate, he gave this other guard half of the beads he had left with him, and, again added one more to the half. He continued giving away his beads in this ratio to guards everytime he encountered one at a gate. If he had only one bead left with him when he came out of the city entirely, how many beads should he have started with passing the seven gates in the first place?


gate → 성문

guard → 문지기

on top of it → 그 (반)에 더해서

in this ratio → 이런 비율로

encounter → 만나다, 마주치다

7 개의 성문을 지나 도시에서 나왔으니 7 명의 문지기를 만나, 7 번 구슬을 내어주었을 것입니다. 마지막에 남은 것이 한 개라면, 마지막 문지기에게 구슬을 주기 전에는 몇 개를 가지고 있었을까요?

■ 도전! 다섯 ■

A yacht was stranded on an island. The people, who soon got accustomed to the life of the island, were four guys ― Charles, Juno, Hoon and Jason ― and four girls ― Tiffany, Yuri, Young and Sonya. They soon began to have crush on one another. Everybody liked only one person of opposite sex. Reading the following accounts, guess who Hoon liked.

Juno liked the girl who liked Charles.

Hoon liked the girl who liked Jason.

The guy Yuri liked liked Sonya.

Tiffany liked the guy who liked Yuri.

Tiffany did not really like Charles or Juno.

Jason did not like Sonya.


be stranded → (배가) 좌초되다

get accustomed to ∼ → ∼에 익숙해지다

have crush on somebody → 누군가를 짝사랑하다

a person of opposite sex → 성별이 다른 사람

관계를 간단히 나타내기 위해 기호를 이용해봅시다. 예를 들어 〈Juno → girl ? → Charles〉로 써볼 수 있죠.

☞ 응모문제의 정답을 맞힌 학생 중 5명을 선정해 5만 원 상당의 문화상품권을 드립니다. CMS 홈페이지(www.cmsonlin.co.kr) 코너에서 응모방법과 원어민동영상 강의를 보실 수 있습니다.

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