[신나는 공부]Let's Think! 영어사고력 문제

  • 입력 2008년 5월 13일 02시 59분

■ 응모문제 ■

Peter had a tour around the city of Seoul, during which he sometimes walked and sometimes rode his bicycle. The following is a record of his travel. How many days did it take him to travel the city?

- He did not ride the bicycle for seven mornings.

- He did not ride the bicycle for eight afternoons.

- If he was to use the bicycle in an afternoon, he did not use it in the morning of that day.

- He used the bicycle seven times in total, morning and afternoon.


If he was to use the bicycle in an afternoon, he did not use it in the morning of that day. → 오후에 자전거를 탈 작정이었으면 그날 오전에는 자전거를 타지 않았다.

He used the bicycle seven times in total, morning and afternoon. → 오전과 오후를 통틀어 자전거를 7번 이용했다.

하루는 오전과 오후로 나누어지지요? 그렇다면 총 여행한 일수에는 오전과 오후가 몇 번 들어가 있을까요?

■ 도전! 하나 ■

ifty-five students are sitting around a large campfire with their teacher, Mrs. Ludvic. Mirae was the ninth student to the left hand side of Mrs. Ludvic, and Pam was sitting opposite Mirae. Then how many students should be sitting between Pam and Mrs. Ludvic?


the ninth student to the left hand side of ∼ → ∼의 왼쪽 방향으로 9번째 학생.

선생님 한 명과 학생 55명이 둥글게 앉아 있습니다. 이 모습을 생각해 봅시다.

■ 도전! 둘 ■

tudents of Charley’s class like reading or singing. Among them, 1/4 of the students who like reading also like singing. And 1/3 of the students who like singing also like reading. What is the portion of students who like reading of all students?


portion → 비율

‘찰리의 반 학생들은 노래를 좋아하거나 독서를 좋아한다’가 성립할 경우, 노래나 독서 중 아무것도 좋아하지 않는 학생은 없습니다. 반면 노래와 독서, 둘 다 좋아하는 학생은 있을 수 있지요.

■ 도전! 셋 ■

he following figure was made out of putting squares of different sizes together. What is the area of the colored square?


made out of ∼ → ∼로 만들어진.

square → 정사각형.

area → 넓이.

넓이가 주어진 정사각형의 각 변의 길이를 구해봅시다.

그러면 어떤 정사각형의 변의 길이를 알 수 있을까요?

■ 도전! 넷 ■

or their school picnic, Min brought 7 pork buns, Silk brought 5, and Cheong brought none. They decided to divide the buns evenly; Cheong was to pay for the buns to Min and Silk. So Cheong gave them 1200 won. Since Min brought 7, and Silk brought 5 buns respectively, the two of them decided to divide the money into 700 and 500 won. Now, is it fair to distribute the money in such a way? If your answer is no, can you suggest a fairer alternative?


pork bun → 돼지고기로 만든 찐빵

respectively → (언급한 순서로) 각각

fair → 공평한

alternative → 대안

각각의 학생들은 몇 개의 만두를 먹었나요?

■ 도전! 다섯 ■

ne day the headline of a major newspaper read: "Public Money Appropriated." It turns out a portion of the capital budget was turned for private use. There was an investigation, but the statements from five potential suspects caused a great confusion. They are said to have remarked:

Kim: It is neither Cho or Park.

Oh: It is either Kim or Cheong.

Cho: Either Park or Oh is responsible.

Park: Kim did it, and Cho is innocent.

Cheong: I′m not the one. Of course Oh isn′t either.

All of them except one eventually turned out to be false. Who is the one who told the truth, and who is the suspect?


read ∼ → (책 등에) ∼라고 써 있다.

appropriate → 횡령하다.

capital budget → 자본예산. 정부의 장기적 지출에 쓰이는 예산.

private → 사적인.

investigation → 조사.

potential suspect → 용의자일 가능성이 있는 사람.

cause confusion → 혼란을 일으키다.

they are said to have remarked → 그들은 이렇게 말했다고 전해진다.

☞ 응모문제의 정답을 맞힌 학생 중 5명을 선정해 5만 원 상당의 문화상품권을 드립니다. CMS 홈페이지(www.cmsonlin.co.kr) 코너에서 응모방법과 원어민동영상 강의를 보실 수 있습니다.

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