[신나는 공부]Let's Think! 영어사고력 문제

  • 입력 2008년 5월 27일 02시 57분

■ 응모 문제 ■

Three rings of different sizes are piled up around a column in the order of their sizes as seen in the picture below. If we want to shift all the rings to the column at the far right end, how many times should we move a ring? Here, a smaller ring should always be on top of a larger ring.


pile up → 쌓다

column → 기둥

shift → 옮기다

far right end → 가장 오른쪽 끝

우선 파란 고리를 오른쪽 끝기둥의 밑으로 보내려면 고리를 최소한 몇 번 움직여야 하는지 알아봅시다.

■ 도전! 하나 ■

We want to distribute 1, 2, 3, and 4 to the spots indicated as A, B, C, and D in the given diagram. If this diagram works according to the same rule as that of the example diagram given on the left hand side, what is the minimum number that can come into the spot E?


distribute → 분배하다

indicated as ∼ → ∼와 같이 표시된

spot → 자리

E에 들어갈 숫자가 최소가 되려면 밑에 들어갈 숫자들과 E가 어떻게 연관되는지부터 알아야겠죠?

■ 도전! 둘 ■

There are beads in boxes A, B and C. The sum of beads in box A and B is 125, and the difference between the two is 25. The sum of beads in boxes B and C is 150, and the difference between them is 50. How many beads are there in box A?


sum → 합

difference → 차

두 상자 속의 구슬의 차를 알 경우, 둘 중 어떤 상자에 더 많은 구슬이 들어있을지를 먼저 생각해 봅시다.

■ 도전! 셋 ■

Four coins of the same size and shape, no. 1, 2, 3, 4, are lined up adjacently. We want to roll coin no.1 along the circumferences of the coins 2,3, and 4, to the next side of coin no. 4 as indicated in the picture. If the six points on the circumference of coin no. 1 are distributed at a regular distance from one another, which point, among A, B, C, D, E and F, will meet point G on coin no. 4 when coin no.1 reaches it?


adjacently → 인접하여

circumference → 원주

the six points…are distributed at a regular distance from one another → 여섯 점은 서로 일정한 간격으로 떨어져 있다.

1의 동전이 2, 3, 4의 둘레를 지나 4의 옆까지 왔을 때, G점이 어떤 점과 만날지를 묻는 질문이죠?

■ 도전! 넷 ■

Suppose you make the following configuration with seven dice. The sum of the opposite faces of a dice is always seven. Then what is the smallest possible sum of all the dots on the surface faces of the seven dice?


configuration → 구성, 배열

face → 면

surface → 겉, 표면

위의 정육면체들은 모두 주사위라고 합시다. 겉으로 보이는 면의 합이 최소가 되려면 보이지 않는 면들의 합이 최대가 돼야겠죠? 주사위의 마주보는 면의 합은 항상 7이라는 힌트도 잊지 마세요.

■ 도전! 다섯 ■

There are two balanced scales. On one of them seven apples are balanced against 2 oranges and 2 melons. On the other one two apples and two oranges are balanced against one melon. How many oranges would weigh the same as a melon?


balanced scale → 균형을 이룬 양팔저울

weigh ∼ → 무게가 ∼이다


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