뉴스 트렌드 생활정보 International edition 매체

[理知논술/영어 논술 클리닉]초등 영어

입력 | 2006-08-01 03:02:00

Disabled Man Climbs Mt. Everest

※이지논술 사이트에서 본문 내용을 원어민의 음성으로 들을 수 있습니다.


Mark Inglis is from New Zealand. He does not have any legs. But even without legs, Mark climbed to the top of Mt. Everest! Mark lost his legs more than 20 years ago. He lost them while mountain-climbing. Because of the very cold weather, he couldn't come down the mountain for 14 day. During that time, he got frostbite and lost his legs. Now, Mark has metal legs. Mark lost his legs but he still loves to climb mountains. So he decided to climb Mt. Everest. "I've always wanted to climb Mt. Everest. I would climb it with or without legs" Mark said. When Mark reached the top of the mountain, he first called his wife. "I'm here," he said. "I made it."

■이해력 높이기

글을 얼마나 이해하고 읽었는가를 보기 위한 문제입니다.

1. Which is wrong about Mark?

(a) He is brave.

(b) He is ambitious.

(c) He is carefree.

2. Which is correct about Mark?

(a) He has always wanted to climb Mt. Everest.

(b) He fell off Mt. Everest and broke his legs.

(c) He climbed Mt. Everest with his wife.

답: 1번 (c), 2번 (a)


1. 늘 ∼가 하고 싶었다. have always wanted to ∼

제인은 늘 영어를 잘하고 싶었다. Jane has always wanted to be good at English.

2. 결심하다 decide to ∼

마이클은 열심히 공부하기로 결심했다. Michael decided to study hard.

3. 나는 해냈다! I made it!

너는 해냈다. You made it!

■문장력 키우기

다음 세 문장을 영어로 써 보고, 서로 연결하는 연습을 합니다.

1. 나는 늘 야구선수가 되고 싶었다. I have always wanted to be a baseball player.

2. 나는 야구팀에 들어가기로 결심했다. I decided to join the baseball team.

3. 결국 (In the end) 나는 해냈다! In the end, I made it!

■직접 써봐요

여러분은 꼭 이루고 싶은 꿈이 있나요? 그 꿈을 이루었을 때를 생각하며 위의 글에 나온 표현들을 활용해 글을 직접 써 보세요.