뉴스 트렌드 생활정보 International edition 매체


입력 | 2007-10-16 02:59:00


4 A food made from grain and eaten for breakfast

5 The goods or services made by a company

6 A clear liquid with no color or smell that we drink

7 A food that is baked and made from flour, water, and yeast

11 A drink made from fruit or vegetables

12 Paper or coin money

14 A plant we eat such as oranges, apples, or bananas

15 A plant we eat such as broccoli, corn, or carrots

17 A small piece of paper that tells what was bought from a store

18 Someone who works at a store

19 A white liquid that comes from cows

21 The leftover money that is given back to the customer

22 A guarantee that a product bought will be replaced or repaired if it is damaged


1 A small piece of paper that is used to get a discount on a product

2 A sweet dish that is eaten at the end of a meal

3 To give something and receive something different in return

8 A reduction in the usual price of something

9 An animal we eat that lives in water

10 An announcement in a newspaper, on the radio or on the television that tells about a product for sale or special event

13 A category of food flavorings such as pepper, ginger, and cinnamon

14 A piece of paper that advertises a product or event

16 To return money to someone

19 The part of an animal that we eat

20 A sweet-tasting white or brown grain used as a weetener foods or drinks

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