뉴스 트렌드 생활정보 International edition 매체

[신나는 공부]Let's Think! 영어사고력 문제

입력 | 2008-03-11 02:54:00

■ 응모문제 ■

Fill in the blank in the following equation made up of dices.


equation → 등식

dice → 주사위

made up of ∼ → ∼로 구성되어 있는

주어진 등식을 잘 관찰해 규칙을 찾아봅시다.

■ 도전! 하나 ■

There are three cards. On each of its face, a one-digit number, which is not a zero, is written. Jane added all the possible 3-digit numbers that she could put together with the three cards and found that the sum of all such numbers turned out to be 2664. What is the sum of the three one-digit numbers written on the three cards?


digit → 자릿수

all the possible three-digit numbers that she

could put together with these three cards → 세 장

의 카드로 만들 수 있는 모든 세 자리 수

sum → 합

■ 도전! 둘 ■

Jenny has been raising five puppies for a year. One day she wondered if she had been feeding them well enough. She took the weight of all of them. There were no two puppies with the same weight. Mimi was heavier than Yulu. Jojo was heavier than Mimi. Chuchu was heavier than Rara. Jojo was heavier than Chuchu.

Which puppy is the heaviest?


raise → 기르다

weight → 무게

■ 도전! 셋 ■

There are eleven white ba-duk stones lined up as seen below. Two people take turns taking one or two stones away from either end. You can decide which of the two of you starts the game. How should you play it to win it?


line up → 줄을 서다

take turns → 번갈아 하다

from either end → 왼쪽 끝이나 오른쪽 끝부터

take one or two stones away → 바둑돌을 한 개나 두 개 가지고 간다.

How should you play it to win it? → 이기려면 어떻게 게임을 해야 하는가?

누가 먼저 바둑돌을 집어야 할지, 또 내가 바둑돌을 집을 때마다 몇 개를 집어야 이길 수 있을지 생각해봅시다.

■ 도전! 넷 ■

The diameter of circle (A) is three times as long as the diameter of circle (B). If a is the center of the circle (A), b is the center of the circle (B), and the circumference of the quadrangle adbc is 40 cm, what is the diameter of the circle (A)?


diameter → 지름

center → (원의) 중심

quadrangle → 사각형

circumference → 둘레

■ 도전! 다섯 ■

A new stationary, called the Brilliant, posted an ad in front of the store: “Opening Event! We are selling every item at a lower price than other stores.” If this statement turned out to be false, which of the following statements should be true?

Statements >

A. The Brilliant sells no item at a lower price than other stores.

B. The Brilliant does not sell any item at a lower price than other stores.

C. The Brilliant has items which it does not sell at a lower price than other stores.

D. The Brilliant does not sell every time at a lower price than other stores.


stationary → 문구점

brilliant → 멋진, 찬란한

turn out to be ∼ → ∼으로 밝혀지다

문구점에서 내건 광고가 거짓이라면, 반드시 참이

어야 하는 문장을 찾는 문제입니다.

☞ 응모문제의 정답을 맞힌 학생 중 5명을 선정해 5만 원 상당의 문화상품권을 드립니다. CMS 홈페이지(www.cmsonlin.co.kr) 코너에서 응모방법과 원어민동영상 강의를 보실 수 있습니다.