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경기중 인 Ball 은 18-2 의 예외조항 7가지 외에는 공을 움직였을 경우 1벌타를 먹게됩니다. 공을 찾다가 움직인 공은 예외조항에 들어가지 않아 1벌타를 먹게됩니다. 공을 움직였을 경우는 원위치에 다시 놓고(Place)하고 경기를 속행해야하며 움직이 위치에서 그대로 경기하면 오소 play로 Stroke Play의 경우 2벌타, Match play의 경우 홀패가 됩니다.(20조 7항)
18-2. By Player, Partner, Caddie or Equipment
a. General
When a player’s ball is in play, if:
i. the player, his partner or either of their caddies lifts or moves it, touches it purposely (except with a club in the act of addressing it) or causes it to move except as permitted by a Rule, or
ii. equipment of the player or his partner causes the ball to move,
the player shall incur a penalty stroke. The ball shall be replaced unless the movement of the ball occurs after the player has begun his swing and he does not discontinue his swing.
Under the Rules no penalty is incurred if a player accidentally causes his ball to move in the following circumstances:
In measuring to determine which ball farther from hole : Rule 10-4
In searching for covered ball in hazard or for ball in abnormal ground condition : Rule 12-1
In the process of repairing hole plug or ball mark : Rule 16-1c
In the process of removing loose impediment on putting green : Rule 18-2c
In the process of lifting ball under a Rule : Rule 20-1
In the process of placing or replacing ball under a Rule : Rule 20-3a
In removal of movable obstruction : Rule 24-1.