[알쏭달쏭 골프룰]벙커에 두볼이 붙어 있을 경우

  • 입력 2002년 7월 26일 16시 21분


두명의 플레이어가 페어웨에서 그린을 향해 친볼이 그린 주위에 가보니 벙커에 빠져 있었으며 두볼은 약 10cm 정도 밖에 떨어져 있지 않아서 두 볼중 한 볼을 치우지 않으면 플레이를 할 수가 없었습니다. 이러한 경우 어느 볼부터 플레이를 해야하며, 어떻케 플레이를 해야 하는 것인지 알고 싶습니다.


두볼이 가까이 있어 경기에 방해가 될 경우에는 22조에 의해 Mark하고 집을 수가 있습니다. 방커에서 집었던 볼의 lie가 변경되었을 경우는 Rule 20-3b에 의해 Bunker를 처음의 상태로 고칠 수가 있습니다. Decision 20-3b/1과 20-3b/2를 참조하시기 바랍니다.

Rule 20-3b

b. Lie of Ball to Be Placed or Replaced Altered

If the original lie of a ball to be placed or replaced has been altered:

except in a hazard, the ball shall be placed in the nearest lie most similar to the original lie which is not more than one club-length from the original lie, not nearer the hole and not in a hazard;

in a water hazard, the ball shall be placed in accordance with Clause (i) above, except that the ball must be placed in the water hazard;

in a bunker, the original lie shall be recreated as nearly as possible and the ball shall be placed in that lie.

20-3b/1 Lie of Lifted Ball in Bunker Altered by Another Player’s Stroke

Q. The balls of A and B are in the same heel mark in a bunker. B’s ball is farther from the hole. A lifts his ball under Rule 22, and B plays and obliterates the heel mark. What should A do?

A. Under Rule 20-3b, A is required to recreate his

original lie as nearly as possible, including the heel mark, and place his ball in that lie.

20-3b/2 Lie in Bunker Changed by Another Player Taking His Stance

Q. In playing from a bunker, B, in taking his stance, pushed up a mound of sand behind A’s ball, which had not been lifted. What is the ruling?

A. Since A’s ball did not move when B took his stance, Rule 20-3b does not apply. In equity (Rule 1-4), A’s original lie should be restored as nearly as possible by removing the mound of sand.

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